This study evaluated the effect of ProTaper Next (PTN), ProTaper Universal Retreatment (PTR) and hybrid instrumentation (HI) for canal filling removal on the fracture resistance (FR), mode of failure (MoF), and filling removal time.
Ninety-six, mandibular premolars were decoronated and randomly divided into 6 groups (
There was a significant difference in FR among all groups (
The effect of filling removal on FR may depend on the filling removal technique/system used. PTR could be faster and protect against fracture followed by PTN; HI could adversely affect FR. FR may be associated with filling removal time.
This study aimed to relate the file fragment length and location in the root canal to the retrieval chances, the clinical time required and the occurrence of secondary fractures.
Sixty clinical cases of fractured instruments were included in this study. They were classified according to the instrument length and the location of the root canal. In each group, the success rate in the instrument retrieval, the clinical time required and the occurrence of secondary fractures were evaluated. The collected data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test on the basis of a 0.05 significance level.
The fragment length showed no significant influence on the assessed variables (
In accordance with the findings of this study, the fractured fragment length did not influence any of the variables assessed, but it is suggested to focus on the fragment location inside the root canal to decide the retrieval of a fractured instrument.
The aim of this study was to examine the use of hand or rotary files by pre-graduation (fourth- and fifth-year) and postgraduate students in endodontic treatments and to determine the incidence of file fracture and the management of cases with broken instruments.
A total of 2,168 teeth undergoing primary endodontic treatment were included in this study. It was determined that 79 of these teeth resulted in broken tools. In the case of broken tools, the education level of the treating clinician, the tooth that was being treated, the canal and fracture level, the curvature of the tooth and the management of the broken instrument were recorded. Periapical radiographs of the patients were used to calculate curvature following the Schneider method.
There was no significant difference in the incidence of broken tools according to education level (
There was no statistically significant difference between fourth-year students, fifth-year students and postgraduate students in terms of instrument fracture.
This systematic review aimed to investigate whether minimally invasive root canal preparation ensures higher fracture resistance compared to conventional root canal preparation in endodontically treated teeth (ETT). A comprehensive search strategy was conducted on the “PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus” databases, alongside reference and hand searches, with language restrictions applied. Two independent reviews selected pertinent laboratory studies that explored the effect of minimally invasive root canal preparation on fracture resistance, in comparison to larger preparation counterparts. The quality of the studies was assessed, and the risk of bias was categorized as low, moderate, or high. The electronic search yielded a total of 1,767 articles. After applying eligibility criteria, 8 studies were included. Given the low methodological quality of these studies and the large variability of fracture resistance values, the impact of reduced apical size and/or taper on the fracture resistance of the ETT can be considered uncertain. This systematic review could not reveal sufficient evidence regarding the effect of minimally invasive preparation on increasing fracture resistance of ETT, primarily due to the inherent limitations of the studies and the moderate risk of bias.
This study evaluated the effects of Biodentine (BD), Bio-C Repair (BCR), and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) plug on the fracture resistance of simulated immature teeth with replacement root resorption (RRR) and
Sixty bovine incisors simulating immature teeth and RRR were divided into 5 groups: BD and BCR groups, with samples completely filled with the respective materials; MTA group, which utilized a 3-mm apical MTA plug; RRR group, which received no root canal filling; and normal periodontal ligament (PL) group, which had no RRR and no root canal filling. All the teeth underwent cycling loading, and compression strength testing was performed using a universal testing machine. RAW 264.7 macrophages were treated with 1:16 extracts of BD, BCR, and MTA containing receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL) for 5 days. RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation was assessed by staining with tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase. The fracture load and osteoclast number were analyzed using 1-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test (α = 0.05).
No significant difference in fracture resistance was observed among the groups (
The treatment options for non-vital immature teeth with RRR did not strengthen the teeth and promoted a similar resistance to fractures in all cases. BD, MTA, and BCR showed inhibitory effects on osteoclast differentiation, with BCR yielding improved results compared to the other materials.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of peak kilovoltage (kVp) and a metal artifact reduction (MAR) tool on image quality and the diagnosis of vertical root fracture (VRF) in cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT).
Twenty single-rooted human teeth filled with an intracanal metal post were divided into 2 groups: control (
The kVp and MAR did not influence the diagnosis of VRF (
Protocols with higher kVp combined with MAR improved the image quality of CBCT examinations. However, those factors did not lead to an improvement in the diagnosis of VRF.
To evaluate the fracture incidence of Reciproc R25 instruments (VDW) used during non-surgical root canal retreatments performed by students in a postgraduate endodontic program.
From the analysis of clinical record cards and periapical radiographs of root canal retreatments performed by postgraduate students using the Reciproc R25, a total of 1,016 teeth (2,544 root canals) were selected. The instruments were discarded after a single use. The general incidence of instrument fractures and its frequency was analyzed considering the group of teeth and the root thirds where the fractures occurred. Statistical analysis was performed using the χ2 test (
Seven instruments were separated during the procedures. The percentage of fracture in relation to the number of instrumented canals was 0.27% and 0.68% in relation to the number of instrumented teeth. Four fractures occurred in maxillary molars, 1 in a mandibular molar, 1 in a mandibular premolar and 1 in a maxillary incisor. A greater number of fractures was observed in molars when compared with the number of fractures observed in the other dental groups (
The use of Reciproc R25 instruments in root canal retreatments carried out by postgraduate students was associated with a low incidence of fractures.
The aim of this review was to evaluate the effects of different access cavity designs on endodontic treatment and tooth prognosis. Two independent reviewers conducted an unrestricted search of the relevant literature contained in the following electronic databases: PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, Web of Science, and OpenGrey. The electronic search was supplemented by a manual search during the same time period. The reference lists of the articles that advanced to second-round screening were hand-searched to identify additional potential articles. Experts were also contacted in an effort to learn about possible unpublished or ongoing studies. The benefits of minimally invasive access (MIA) cavities are not yet fully supported by research data. There is no evidence that this approach can replace the traditional approach of straight-line access cavities. Guided endodontics is a new method for teeth with pulp canal calcification and apical infection, but there have been no cost-benefit investigations or time studies to verify these personal opinions. Although the purpose of MIA cavities is to reflect clinicians' interest in retaining a greater amount of the dental substance, traditional cavities are the safer method for effective instrument operation and the prevention of iatrogenic complications.
This study was conducted to compare the post-fracture survival rate of endodontically treated molar endodontically treated teeth (molar ETT) restored with resin composites or crowns and to identify potential risk factors, using a retrospective cohort design.
Dental records of molar ETT with crowns or composite restorations (recall period, 2015–2019) were collected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The incidence of unrestorable fractures was identified, and molar ETT were classified according to survival. Information on potential risk factors was collected. Survival rates and potential risk factors were analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier log-rank test and Cox regression model.
The overall survival rate of molar ETT was 87% (mean recall period, 31.73 ± 17.56 months). The survival rates of molar ETT restored with composites and crowns were 81.6% and 92.7%, reflecting a significant difference (
The survival rate from fracture was higher for molar ETT restored with crowns was higher than for ETT restored with composites, especially in the first 2 years after restoration. Molar ETT with limited tooth structure loss only on the occlusal surface could be successfully restored with composite restorations.
This study evaluated the effect of repeated uses and autoclaving in the instrumented area, fracture resistance, and time of instrumentation of thermally treated nickel-titanium reciprocating systems.
Two hundred simulated canals were instrumented using Reciproc Blue and WaveOne Gold. Each file was used up to 10 times or until fracture. The instrumented area was measured in pre- and post-operative images, using ImageJ software. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis evaluated the number of uses of instruments before fracture. Instrumented area and time of instrumentation were analyzed by Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis. Correlations among the number of uses and instrumented area were measured. The level of statistical significance was set at
Reciproc Blue presented a higher estimated number of uses in comparison with WaveOne Gold (
Reciproc Blue was more resistant than WaveOne Gold, suffering later fracture. Additionally, the sterilization cycles did not influence the estimated number of uses of thermally treated reciprocating instruments, but the instrumented area of root canals was reduced along with the repeated uses of both instruments.
This study investigated the incidence of root dentin defects after the use of different post space preparation (PSP) drills.
Seventy-two bovine incisors were selected and obtained 14-mm-long root sections. Twelve roots served as controls with no intervention (G1). The 60 root canals remaining were instrumented using the crown-down technique with the ProTaper Next system and obturated using the lateral condensation technique. Specimens were randomly distributed into 5 groups (
Root dentin defects were observed in 39.6% of the root sections. No defects were observed in G1. G5 had significantly more cracks and craze lines than G1, G2, and G3 (
PSP drills caused defects in the root dentin. Gates-Glidden drills caused fewer root defects than Largo-Peeso reamers and Exacto drills.
The replacement of missing teeth, especially in the anterior region, is an essential part of dental practice. Fiber-reinforced composite resin bridges are a conservative alternative to conventional fixed dental prostheses or implants. It is a minimally invasive, reversible technique that can be completed in a single visit. The two cases presented herein exemplify the treatment of root-fractured anterior teeth with a natural pontic immediately after extraction.
To compare the flexural cyclic fatigue resistance and the length of the fractured segments (FLs) of recently introduced M-Pro rotary files with that of RaCe rotary files in curved canals and to evaluate the fracture surface by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Thirty-six endodontic files with the same tip size and taper (size 25, 0.06 taper) were used. The samples were classified into 2 groups (n = 18): the M-Pro group (M-Pro IMD) and the RaCe group (FKG). A custom-made simulated canal model was fabricated to evaluate the total number of cycles to failure and the FL. SEM was used to examine the fracture surfaces of the fragmented segments. The data were statistically analyzed and comparisons between the 2 groups for normally distributed numerical variables were carried out using the independent Student's
The M-Pro group showed significantly higher resistance to flexural cyclic fatigue than the RaCe group (
Thermal treatment of nickel-titanium instruments can improve the flexural cyclic fatigue resistance of rotary endodontic files, and the M-Pro rotary system seems to be a promising rotary endodontic file.
Pulp revascularization is an alternative treatment in immature traumatized teeth with necrotic pulp. However, this procedure has not been reported in horizontal root fractures. This is a case report of a 9-year-old patient with multiple horizontal root fractures in 2 upper central incisors that were successfully treated with pulp revascularization. The patient presented for treatment 2 years after the initial trauma, and revascularization was attempted after the initial treatment with calcium hydroxide had failed. Prior to pulp revascularization, cone-beam computed tomography and autoradiograms demonstrated multiple horizontal fractures in the middle and apical thirds of the roots of the 2 affected teeth. Revascularization was performed in both teeth; platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was used in one tooth (#11) and the conventional method (blood clot) was used in the other tooth (#21). Clinical and radiographic follow-up over 4 years demonstrated pulp calcification in the PRP-treated tooth. Neither of the 2 teeth were lost, and the root canal calcification of tooth #11 was greater than that of tooth #21. This case suggests that PRP-based pulp revascularization may be an alternative for horizontal root fractures.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of glide path preparation with PathFile and ProGlider nickel-titanium (NiTi) files on the cyclic fatigue resistance of WaveOne NiTi files.
Forty-four WaveOne Primary files were used and divided into four groups (
The highest number of cycles to failure was found in the control group, and the lowest numbers were found in the 1 WaveOne group and the PF+WaveOne group. Significant differences were found among the 1 WaveOne, PF+WaveOne, and control groups (
Glide path preparation with NiTi rotary files did not affect the cyclic fatigue resistance of WaveOne Primary files used on acrylic blocks.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether the diameter and direction of the plunger and simulation of the periodontal ligament (PDL) affected the stress distribution in endodontically treated premolars.
A fracture strength test was simulated via finite element analysis. A base model was set up, and the following parameters were modified: plunger diameter (3 mm vs. 6 mm), plunger direction (vertical vs. 135° angular to the central fossa), and PDL simulation. The analysis was conducted using the CosmosWorks structural analysis program, and the results are presented in terms of von Mises stresses.
The smaller plunger increased the stresses at the contact area of the crown, but the plunger diameter had no effect on the stress distribution within the root. An angular plunger direction increased stresses within the root, as well as at the buccal cusp of the crown, compared with the vertical direction. Simulation of the PDL caused higher stress accumulation, especially in the cervical region of the root.
The plunger diameter had no effect on the stress distribution in the roots, whereas the plunger direction and PDL simulation did affect the stress distribution. More stringent standards can be established by taking such parameters into account when performing fracture testing in future studies.
The purpose of this research was to identify the top 10 most-cited articles on the management of fractured or broken instruments and to perform a bibliometric analysis thereof.
Published articles related to fractured instruments were screened from online databases, such as Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and ScienceDirect, and highly cited papers, with at least 50 citations since publication, were identified. The most-cited articles were selected and analysed with regard to publication title, authorship, the journal of publication, year, institution, country of origin, article type, and number of citations.
The top 10 most-cited articles were from various journals. Most were published in the
This bibliometric analysis revealed interesting information about scientific progress in endodontics regarding fractured instruments. Overall, clinical research studies and basic research articles published in high-impact endodontic journals had the highest citation rates.
This systematic review aims to summarize the current clinical studies that investigated survival rates against fracture of endodontically treated posterior teeth restored with crowns or resin composite restorations. Literature search were performed using keywords. Publications from 1980 to 2016 were searched in PubMed, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, MEDLINE, and SCOPUS. Included studies were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Three clinical studies were included: 1 randomized controlled trial and 1 prospective and 1 retrospective cohort studies. Pooled survival rates ranged from 94%–100% and 91.9%–100% for crowns and resin composite, respectively. The majority of teeth had no more than 3 surface loss of tooth structure. The studies included were heterogeneous, and were not appropriate for further meta-analysis. Current evidence suggested that the survival rates against the fracture of endodontically treated posterior teeth restored with crowns or resin composites were not significantly different in the teeth with minimum to moderate loss of tooth structure.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of adhesive luting on the fracture resistance of zirconia compared to that of a composite resin and a lithium disilicate glass ceramic.
The specimens (dimension: 2 mm × 2 mm × 25 mm) of the composite resin, lithium disilicate glass ceramic, and yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP) were prepared. These were then divided into nine groups: three non-luting groups, three non-adhesive luting groups, and three adhesive luting groups, for each restorative material. In the non-luting groups, specimens were placed on the bovine tooth without any luting agents. In the non-adhesive luting groups, only zinc phosphate cement was used for luting the specimen to the bovine tooth. In the adhesive luting groups, specimens were pretreated, and the adhesive luting procedure was performed using a self-adhesive resin cement. For all the groups, a flexural test was performed using universal testing machine, in which the fracture resistance was measured by recording the force at which the specimen was fractured.
The fracture resistance after adhesive luting increased by approximately 29% in the case of the composite resin, 26% in the case of the lithium disilicate glass ceramic, and only 2% in the case of Y-TZP as compared to non-adhesive luting.
The fracture resistance of Y-TZP did not increased significantly after adhesive luting as compared to that of the composite resin and the lithium disilicate glass ceramic.
Although it is challenging, the early diagnosis of a vertical root fracture (VRF) is crucial in order to ensure tooth preservation. The purpose of this clinical case report was to describe reparative surgery performed to treat a tooth affected by an incomplete VRF. A 26 year old male patient was suspected to have a VRF in a maxillary left central incisor, and an exploratory flap was performed in order to confirm the diagnosis. After detecting the fracture, the lesion was surgically treated, the fracture and the infected root-end were removed, and a platelet-rich plasma membrane was used to cover the defect in order to prevent bacterial migration. A 24 month clinical and radiological follow-up examination showed that the tooth was asymptomatic and that the healing process was in progress. The surgical approach described here may be considered an effective treatment for a combined endodontic-periodontal lesion originating from an incomplete VRF and a recurrent periapical lesion.
Exposing sound structure of a subgingivally fractured tooth using orthodontic extrusion is considered to be a conservative way to re-establish biologic width without sacrificing esthetics or jeopardizing periodontal support of neighboring teeth. When a misaligned tooth is traumatically involved, a more comprehensive approach combining tooth extrusion and re-alignment may be necessary for a successful restorative outcome. This case report describes a successful esthetic management of a patient with complicated crown-root fracture on the maxillary right central incisor and pre-existing malocclusion in the maxillary anterior region. Forced eruption along with re-alignment of teeth by orthodontic movement seems to allow re-positioning of the fracture line to a favorable position and correction of crowding, providing a better esthetic result.
To determine and compare the fracture resistance of endodontically treated maxillary central incisors restored with different posts and cores.
Forty-eight upper central incisors were randomly divided into four groups: cast post and core (group 1), fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) post and composite core (group 2), composite post and core (group 3), and controls (group 4). Mesio-distal and bucco-lingual dimensions at 7 and 14 mm from the apex were compared to ensure standardization among the groups. Twelve teeth were prepared for crown restoration (group 4). Teeth in other groups were endodontically treated, decoronated at 14 mm from the apex, and prepared for posts and cores. Resin-based materials were used for cementation in groups 1 and 2. In group 3, composite was used directly to fill the post space and for core build-up. All samples were restored by standard metal crowns using glass ionomer cement, mounted at 135° vertical angle, subjected to thermomechanical aging, and then fractured using a universal testing machine. Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney
Fracture resistance of the groups was as follows: Control (group 4) > cast post and core (group 1) > fiber post and composite core (group 2) > composite post and core (group 3). All samples in groups 2 and 3 fractured in restorable patterns, whereas most (58%) in group 1 were non-restorable.
Within the limitations of this study, FRC posts showed acceptable fracture resistance with favorable fracture patterns for reconstruction of upper central incisors.
Among dental traumas, horizontal root fractures are relatively uncommon injuries. Proper initial management and periodical evaluation is essential for the successful treatment of a root-fractured tooth. If pulpal necrosis develops, endodontic treatment is indicated, exclusively for the coronal fragment. Fragment diastases exert a great influence on healing at the fracture line and on pulpal necrosis. An adequately treated root-fractured tooth has a good prognosis. This case report describes the treatment and 2-yr follow up of 3 maxillary central incisors, first with horizontal root fracture, second with horizontal root fracture and avulsion, and third with horizontal root fracture and lateral luxation. All three cases were treated with mineral trioxide aggregate (ProRoot, Dentsply). During 2 yr of follow-up evaluation, the root-fractured teeth of the present patients were well retained in the arch, showing periodontal healing, even after endodontic treatment.
This study compared the cyclic fatigue resistance of nickel-titanium (NiTi) files obtained in a conventional test using a simulated canal with a newly developed method that allows the application of constant fatigue load conditions.
ProFile and K3 files of #25/.06, #30/.06, and #40/.04 were selected. Two types of testing devices were built to test their fatigue performance. The first (conventional) device prescribed curvature inside a simulated canal (C-test), the second new device exerted a constant load (L-test) whilst allowing any resulting curvature. Ten new instruments of each size and brand were tested with each device. The files were rotated until fracture and the number of cycles to failure (NCF) was determined. The NCF were subjected to one-way ANOVA and Duncan's
Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (ρ = -0.905) showed a significant negative correlation between methods. Groups with significant difference after the L-test divided into 4 clusters, whilst the C-test gave just 2 clusters. From the L-test, considering the negative correlation of NCF, K3 gave a significantly lower fatigue resistance than ProFile as in the C-test. K3 #30/.06 showed a lower fatigue resistance than K3 #25/.06, which was not found by the C-test. Variation in fatigue test methodology resulted in different cyclic fatigue resistance rankings for various NiTi files.
The new methodology standardized the load during fatigue testing, allowing determination fatigue behavior under constant load conditions.
The purpose was to investigate the preference and usage technique of NiTi rotary instruments and to retrieve data on the frequency of re-use and the estimated incidence of file separation in the clinical practice among general dentists.
A survey was disseminated via e-mail and on-site to 673 general dentists. The correlation between the operator's experience or preferred technique and frequency of re-use or incidence of file fracture was assessed.
A total of 348 dentists (51.7%) responded. The most frequently used NiTi instruments was ProFile (39.8%) followed by ProTaper. The most preferred preparation technique was crown-down (44.6%). 54.3% of the respondents re-used NiTi files more than 10 times. There was a significant correlation between experience with NiTi files and the number of reuses (
A large number of general dentists in Korea prefer to re-use NiTi rotary files. As their experience with NiTi files increased, the number of re-uses increased, while the frequency of breakage decreased. Operators who adopt the hybrid technique showed less tendency of separation even with the increased number of re-use.
Traumatic injuries of the face often involve root fractures especially in anterior teeth. The prognosis and the treatment of the root fracture depend on the extent of the fracture line, general health and patient compliance. This case report outlines a new conservative trial treatment modality to stabilize the maxillary central incisors with horizontal root fracture on the cervical to middle third by fabricating canine guidance to remove loading on the traumatized maxillary central incisors during eccentric movements and thus inducing spontaneous healing of the fractured line between the fragments. Radiographs after thirty months showed adequate healing with no signs of pathological changes including root resorption, ankylosis or displacement. Long term follow-up revealed that vitality, stability and aesthetics were maintained and the patient was satisfied with the outcome.
Complications resulting from condylar fracture include occlusal disturbance due to loss of leverage from temporomandibular joint (TMJ). In general, closed reduction with active physical training has been performed, and under favorable circumstances, adaptation occurs in attempt to restore the articulation. The patient in this case report had unilateral condylar fracture accompanied with multiple teeth injuries, but he was left without any dental treatment for 1 mon which led to unrestorable occlusal collapse. Fortunately, delayed surgical repositioning of dislocated maxillary anterior teeth followed by consistent long-term physical training has been proved successful. Normal occlusion and satisfactory remodeling of condyle were obtained on 10 mon follow-up.
Thirty two mature human single rooted mandibular premolars in similar size and dentin thickness without decay or restorations were hand and rotary instrumented and 16 teeth vertically packed with calcium hydroxide paste and sealed coronally with caviton to imitate the endodontic procedure and the other 16 teeth was left empty as a control group. The apicies of all the samples were sealed with resin, submerged in normal saline and put in a storage box at 37℃ to mimic the oral environment. After 1 and 4 wk, 8 samples out of 16 samples from each group were removed from the storage box and fracture strength test was performed. The maximum load required to fracture the samples was recorded and data were analysed statistically by the two way ANOVA test at 5% significance level.
The mean fracture strengths of two groups after 1 wk and 4 wk were similar. The intracanal placement of calcium hydroxide weakened the fracture strength of teeth by 8.2% after 4 wk: an average of 39.23 MPa for no treatment group and 36.01 MPa for CH group. However there was no statistically significant difference between experimental groups and between time intervals.
These results suggest that short term calcium hydroxide application is available during endodontic treatment.
The aim of this paper is to discuss the mechanical and geometric features of Nickel-titanium (NiTi) rotary files and its clinical effects. NiTi rotary files have been introduced to the markets with their own geometries and claims that they have better ability for the root canal shaping than their competitors. The contents of this paper include the (possible) interrelationship between the geometries of NiTi file (eg. tip, taper, helical angle, etc) and clinical performance of the files as follows;
- Fracture modes of NiTi rotary files - Non-cutting guiding tip and glide path - Taper and clinical effects - Cross-sectional area and clinical effects - Heat treatments and surface characteristics - Screw-in effect and preservation of root dentin integrity - Designs for reducing screw-in effect
Based on the reviewed contents, clinicians may have an advice to use various brands of NiTi rotary instruments regarding their advantages which would fit for clinical situation.