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Original Article The effect of different flute design and torque-controlled motor on the shaping ability of simulated resin root canals
Hyoung-Mee Roh, Bock Huh, Hyeon-Cheol Kim, Jeong-Kil Park
Published online: November 30, 2005

Department of Conservative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University, Korea.

Corresponding Author: Jeong-Kil Park. Department of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Pusan National University, 1-10, Ami-dong, Seo-gu, 602-739, Busan, Korea, 602-739. Tel: 82-51-240-7454,
• Received: July 21, 2005   • Revised: October 12, 2005   • Accepted: October 13, 2005

Copyright © 2005 Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry

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  • The purpose of this study was to compare the shaping ability of the two different Ni-Ti file systems and the two different engine systems in simulated canals.
    A total of four groups of each 10 were tested. Each group was instrumented with HeroShaper®and Endo-Mate2® (Group HE), HeroShaper® and Tecnika® (Group HT), ProFile® and Endo-Mate2® (Group PE), and ProFile® and Tecnika® (Group PT).
    Canal preparation time was recorded. The images of pre- and post-instrumented root canals were scanned and superimposed. The amounts of increased width and centering ratio were measured and calculated at apical 1, 3 and 5 mm levels.
    These data were statistically analyzed with one-way ANOVA and Duncan's multiple range test
    The results of this study were as follows;
    1. Canal preparation time of HT group was the shortest (p < 0.05).
    2. The amount of increased canal width in HE group was significantly larger than PT group at apical 1 mm level (p < 0.05). At apical 3 mm level, PT group was significantly smaller than other groups (p < 0.05). At apical 5 mm level, PE group was significantly larger than PT group (p < 0.05).
    3. The amount of centering ratio in HE group was significantly larger than other groups (p < 0.05). At apical 5 mm level, HT group was significantly larger than PE group and PT group (p < 0.05).
    Under the condition of this study, torque-controlled endodontic motor is safer than no torque controlled motor, especially when the active file is used.
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Figure 1
Determination of the enlarged canal shape at three levels.
Figure 2
This drawing represents a measuring method. X1 represents the maximum extent of canal movements in one direction and X2 is the movement in the opposite direction. Y is the diameter of the final canal preparation.
Table 1
Classification of groups
Table 2
Preparation sequence
Table 3
Preparation time (seconds)

ANOVA analysis, significantly different at p < 0.05.

Table 4
Increased canal width (Mean ± S.D., µm)

ANOVA analysis, significantly different at p < 0.05.

a, b, c: For between-group comparisons among vertically aligned rows, VALUES that are not significantly different are annotated with the same letter.

Table 5
Centering ratio of each group (Mean ± S.D., %)

ANOVA analysis, significantly different at p < 0.05.

a, b, c: For between-group comparisons among vertically aligned rows, VALUES that are not significantly different are annotated with the same letter.


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        The effect of different flute design and torque-controlled motor on the shaping ability of simulated resin root canals
        J Korean Acad Conserv Dent. 2005;30(6):486-492.   Published online November 30, 2005
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      Related articles
      The effect of different flute design and torque-controlled motor on the shaping ability of simulated resin root canals
      Image Image
      Figure 1 Determination of the enlarged canal shape at three levels.
      Figure 2 This drawing represents a measuring method. X1 represents the maximum extent of canal movements in one direction and X2 is the movement in the opposite direction. Y is the diameter of the final canal preparation.
      The effect of different flute design and torque-controlled motor on the shaping ability of simulated resin root canals

      Classification of groups

      Preparation sequence

      Preparation time (seconds)

      ANOVA analysis, significantly different at p < 0.05.

      Increased canal width (Mean ± S.D., µm)

      ANOVA analysis, significantly different at p < 0.05.

      a, b, c: For between-group comparisons among vertically aligned rows, VALUES that are not significantly different are annotated with the same letter.

      Centering ratio of each group (Mean ± S.D., %)

      ANOVA analysis, significantly different at p < 0.05.

      a, b, c: For between-group comparisons among vertically aligned rows, VALUES that are not significantly different are annotated with the same letter.

      Table 1 Classification of groups

      Table 2 Preparation sequence

      Table 3 Preparation time (seconds)

      ANOVA analysis, significantly different at p < 0.05.

      Table 4 Increased canal width (Mean ± S.D., µm)

      ANOVA analysis, significantly different at p < 0.05.

      a, b, c: For between-group comparisons among vertically aligned rows, VALUES that are not significantly different are annotated with the same letter.

      Table 5 Centering ratio of each group (Mean ± S.D., %)

      ANOVA analysis, significantly different at p < 0.05.

      a, b, c: For between-group comparisons among vertically aligned rows, VALUES that are not significantly different are annotated with the same letter.

      Restor Dent Endod : Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics
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