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5 "Marginal adaptation"
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Research Article
Push-out bond strength and marginal adaptation of apical plugs with bioactive endodontic cements in simulated immature teeth
Maria Aparecida Barbosa de Sá, Eduardo Nunes, Alberto Nogueira da Gama Antunes, Manoel Brito Júnior, Martinho Campolina Rebello Horta, Rodrigo Rodrigues Amaral, Stephen Cohen, Frank Ferreira Silveira
Restor Dent Endod 2021;46(4):e53.   Published online October 20, 2021
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

This study evaluates the bond strength and marginal adaptation of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) Repair HP and Biodentine used as apical plugs; MTA was used as reference material for comparison.

Materials and Methods

A total of 30 single-rooted teeth with standardized, artificially created open apices were randomly divided into 3 groups (n = 10 per group), according to the material used to form 6-mm-thick apical plugs: group 1 (MTA Repair HP); group 2 (Biodentine); and group 3 (white MTA). Subsequently, the specimens were transversely sectioned to obtain 2 (cervical and apical) 2.5-mm-thick slices per root. Epoxy resin replicas were observed under a scanning electron microscope to measure the gap size at the material/dentin interface (the largest and smaller gaps were recorded for each replica). The bond strength of the investigated materials to dentin was determined using the push-out test. The variable bond strengths and gap sizes were evaluated independently at the apical and cervical root dentin slices. Data were analyzed using descriptive and analytic statistics.


The comparison between the groups regarding the variables' bond strengths and gap sizes showed no statistical difference (p > 0.05) except for a single difference in the smallest gap at the cervical root dentin slice, which was higher in group 3 than in group 1 (p < 0.05).


The bond strength and marginal adaptation to root canal walls of MTA HP and Biodentine cement were comparable to white MTA.

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Original Articles
The effect of intermittent composite curing on marginal adaptation
Yong-Hwan Yun, Sung-Ho Park
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2007;32(3):248-259.   Published online May 31, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The aim of this research was to study the effect of intermittent polymerization on marginal adaptation by comparing the marginal adaptation of intermittently polymerized composite to that of continuously polymerized composite.

The materials used for this study were Pyramid (Bisco Inc., Schaumburg, U.S.A.) and Heliomolar (Ivoclar Vivadent, Liechtenstein). The experiment was carried out in class II MOD cavities prepared in 48 extracted human maxillary premolars. The samples were divided into 4 groups by light curing method; group 1- continuous curing (60s light on with no light off); group 2- intermittent curing (cycles of 3s with 2s light on & 1s light off for 90s); group 3- intermittent curing (cycles of 2s with 1s light on & 1s light off for 120s); group 4- intermittent curing (cycles of 3s with 1s light on & 2s light off for 180s). Consequently the total amount of light energy radiated was same in all the groups. Each specimen went through thermo-mechanical loading (TML) which consisted of mechanical loading (720,000 cycles, 5.0 kg) with a speed of 120 rpm for 100 hours and thermocycling (6000 thermocycles of alternating water of 50℃ and 55℃). The continuous margin (CM) (%) of the total margin and regional margins, occlusal enamel (OE), vertical enamel (VE), and cervical enamel (CE)) was measured before and after TML under a × 200 digital light microscope.

Three-way ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range Test was performed at 95% level of confidence to test the effect of 3 variables on CM (%) of the total margin: light curing conditions, composite materials and effect of TML. In each group, One-way ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range Test was additionally performed to compare CM (%) of regions (OE, VE, CE).

The results indicated that all the three variables were statistically significant (p < 0.05). Before TML, in groups using Pyramid, groups 3 and 4 showed higher CM (%) than groups 1 and 2, and in groups using Heliomolar, groups 3 and 4 showed higher CM (%) than group 1 (p < 0.05). After TML, in both Pyramid and Heliomolar groups, group 3 showed higher CM (%) than group 1 (p < 0.05). CM (%) of the regions are significantly different in each group (p < 0.05). Before TML, no statistical difference was found between groups within the VE and CE region. In the OE region, group 4 of Pyramid showed higher CM (%) than group 2, and groups 2 and 4 of Heliomolar showed higher CM (%) than group 1 (p < 0.05). After TML, no statistical difference was found among groups within the VE and CE region. In the OE region, group 3 of Pyramid showed higher CM (%) than groups 1 and 2, and groups 2,3 and 4 of Heliomolar showed higher CM (%) than group 1 (p < 0.05).

It was concluded that intermittent polymerization may be effective in reducing marginal gap formation.

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Estimation of relation between techniques of dye penetration for microleakage and SEM evaluation for marginal adaptation of the restoration
Soon-Joo Hwang, Dong-Hoon Shin
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2006;31(5):337-343.   Published online September 30, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The purpose of this study was to estimate the relation between techniques used for microleakage from dye penetration and for marginal adaptation from SEM evaluation of the restoration.

Using high speed #330 bur, class V cavities (4 × 3 × 1.5 mm around CEJ) were prepared on the buccal surface of 20 extracted human molars. Six dimples as reference points for SEM and dye penetration evaluation were made with 1/2 round bur. Cavity was bulk filled with microhybrid composite resin (Esthet X) and all-in-one adhesive (Xeno III). Teeth were stored in saline solution for one day, after then, they were finished and polished using Sof-Lex system.

Fifty percent silver nitrate dye solution was used for the evaluation of microleakage and resin replica was used for marginal adaptation. All of these were done after 1000 times thermocycling between 5 and 55℃.

Vertical sections were made through three dimples of restoration to obtain samples for the evaluation of dye penetration and inner marginal adaptation. Outer adaptational estimation was done with an intact restoration before sectioning. Dye penetration was determined in three degrees and percentage of outer and inner leaky margin was estimated from SEM image.

The data were analysed statistically: Spearman's rho test were used to check relationships between two methods.

The result were as follows:

There were significant relationships between degree of dye penetration and inner and outer marginal adaptations each (p < 0.01).

However, there was no significant relationship between the results of inner and outer marginal adaptation.

Within the results of this study, relationship between the percentage of marginal adaptation and microleakage shows significant relationship. However, inner and outer marginal adaptation did not show any significant relationship mutually.

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A quantitative analysis about microleakage of all-in-one adhesives
Yong-Hee Kang, Soo-Il Shin, Dong-Hoon Shin
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2004;29(1):66-72.   Published online January 31, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

All-in-one adhesives were recently developed for reducing the techique sensitivity and chair time, but lots of concerns were made on bondability, longevity, and microleakage.

The object of this study was to evaluate microleakage and marginal quality of all-in-one adhesives using electrochemical method and SEM analysis quantitatively.

After making Class V cavities, they were bulk filled with Heliomolar(#A1) after surface treatment with three adhesives: Adper Prompt (Group A), One up bond F (Group O), Xeno III (Group X). Electrical conductivity (microamphere, µA) was checked two times: before and after cavity filling.

Percentage of leaky margin was estimated from SEM image (×1,000).

The data were statistically analysed: ANOVA and Paired T test for electrical conductivity, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney test for marginal quality, Spearman's rho test for checking of relationships between 2 methods.

The result were as follows:

1. There was no difference in microleakage between adhesive systems and every specimen showed some of microleakage after filling.

2. Microleakage was reduced about 70% with composite resin filling.

3. Marginal quality was the best in group A, decreasing among groups in the following order: group O, followed by group X. There were significant differences between group A and group X (p=0.015), and between group O and group X (p=0.019).

4. There was no relationship between the microleakage measured by electrochemical method and marginal quality measured by SEM analysis.

Within the results of this study, there was no difference in microleakage among groups by electrical conductivity. However, significant difference in marginal quality was seen among groups. It was believed that these dissimilar results might be induced because of their own characteristics. Analysis of microleakage needs various methods for accuracy.

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Development of chewing simulator
Sung-Ho Park, Il-Young Jung, Kwon-Yong Lee
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2003;28(1):34-40.   Published online January 31, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Chewing simulator, which can partly mimic the motion of chewing motion of human, has been successfully developed. The purpose of its development was to make a new machine which can anticipate the clinical results of restoration in the human teeth more accurately in vitro condition It is composed of 4 major parts; chewing part, motor part, water bath, controlling part. The controlling part control the chewing force, frequency, the temperature and running time of water. Additionally, the actual chewing force and remaining time is shown in the monitor of controlling part. At present, the chewing cycle is composed depending on the pre-published data of foreign people. Long term clinical data should be additionally collected for the simulator to mimic the clinical results more accurately.

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