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Comparative analysis of various corrosive environmental conditions for NiTi rotary files
Ji-Wan Yum, Jeong-Kil Park, Bock Hur, Hyeon-Cheol Kim
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2008;33(4):377-388.   Published online July 31, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The aim of the present study is to compare the corrosion tendency using two kinds of NiTi files in the various environmental conditions through the visual examination and electrochemical analysis. ProTaper Universal S2, 21 mm (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) and Hero 642, 0.06 tapers, size 25, 21 mm (Micromega, Besancon, France) rotary instruments were tested. The instruments were randomly divided into eighteen groups (n = 5) by the immersion temperature, the type of solution, the brand of NiTi rotary instrument and the presence of mechanical loading. Each file was examined at various magnifications using Scanning Electron Microscope (JEOL, Akishima, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX). EDX was used to determine the components of the endodontic file alloy in corroded and noncorroded areas. The corrosion resistance of unused and used NiTi files after repeated uses in the human teeth was evaluated electrochemically by potentiodynamic polarization test using a potentiostat (Applied Corrosion Monitoring, Cark-in-Cartmel, UK).

Solution temperature and chloride ion concentration may affect on passivity of NiTi files. Under the conditions of this in vitro study, the corrosion resistance is slightly increased after clinical use.

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Comparison of screw-in effect of three NiTi file systems used by undergraduates
Seung-Hei Oh, Jeong-Kil Park, Bock Hur, Hyeon-Cheol Kim
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2006;31(6):477-484.   Published online November 30, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The purposes of this study were to compare the apical terminus width of simulated curved root canal prepared with three NiTi file systems used by undergraduates for evaluation the effects of flute angle and pitch or radial land on reducing screw-in effect and to determine more safe NiTi file system for inexperienced operators.

Fifty inexperienced undergraduate students prepared 150 simulated curved root canals in resin blocks with three NiTi file systems ; ProFile®, Hero Shaper®, K3™. The electric motor set at a speed of 300 rpm and torque of 30 in a 16 : 1 reduction handpiece was used. The simulated root canal was prepared to ISO #25 sizes with each file system. The scanned images of pre- and post-instrumented canal of resin block were superimposed. To evaluate the screw-in effect of three NiTi file systems, apical terminus width of root canal was measured from superimposed images and statistical analysis was performed.

There were significant differences in three NiTi file systems. ProFile® had significantly smaller width than Hero Shaper® and K3™ (P < 0.05), but no significant difference was observed between K3™ and Hero Shaper®.

Under the condition of this study, active file system (Hero Shaper®, K3™) with variable pitch and helical angle had more screw-in effect than passive file system (ProFile®) with constant pitch and helical angle. It seems that the radial lands play more important role in reducing screw-in effect.

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Lifetime and fracture patterns of NiTi rotary files in molars
Jin-Woo Kim, Byung-Doo Ahn, Se-Hee Park, Hye-Jin Shin, Kyung-Mo Cho
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2005;30(3):184-192.   Published online May 31, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Intracanal separation of the rotary files is a serious concern in modern endodontic practice. The objective of this study was to compare the life span and fracture patterns of three NiTi rotary files in molar teeth.

Mesiobuccal roots of upper molar (n = 150) and mesial roots of lower molar (n = 150) were divided into three groups and each group was prepared with Profile, ProTaper, and K3 respectively. Every file was used until separation and/or deterioration of the cutting blade was happened, and then the number of canals to separation and/or unwinding were recorded. Radiographs and Scanning electon microscope (SEM) photographs were taken to evaluate the patterns of separation.

The results were as follows :

1. There were no significant differences in numbers of canals to separation and/or unwinding among the groups.

2. Comparing between flaring files, K3 showed significant lower numbers of canals to separation and/or unwinding (p < 0.05), and there was no significant difference between shaping files

3. Separations of instruments were occurred at the midpoint of curvatures within the canals.

4. In SEM observations, ductile fractures were seen in most of cases, characterized by shallow dimples.

Additional researches is needed to provide a new guideline that informs the appropriate number of times to use NiTi files.

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