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4 "Fatigue fracture"
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Research Article
Cyclic fatigue resistance tests of Nickel-Titanium rotary files using simulated canal and weight loading conditions
Ok-In Cho, Antheunis Versluis, Gary SP Cheung, Jung-Hong Ha, Bock Hur, Hyeon-Cheol Kim
Restor Dent Endod 2013;38(1):31-35.   Published online February 26, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

This study compared the cyclic fatigue resistance of nickel-titanium (NiTi) files obtained in a conventional test using a simulated canal with a newly developed method that allows the application of constant fatigue load conditions.

Materials and Methods

ProFile and K3 files of #25/.06, #30/.06, and #40/.04 were selected. Two types of testing devices were built to test their fatigue performance. The first (conventional) device prescribed curvature inside a simulated canal (C-test), the second new device exerted a constant load (L-test) whilst allowing any resulting curvature. Ten new instruments of each size and brand were tested with each device. The files were rotated until fracture and the number of cycles to failure (NCF) was determined. The NCF were subjected to one-way ANOVA and Duncan's post-hoc test for each method. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was computed to examine any association between methods.


Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (ρ = -0.905) showed a significant negative correlation between methods. Groups with significant difference after the L-test divided into 4 clusters, whilst the C-test gave just 2 clusters. From the L-test, considering the negative correlation of NCF, K3 gave a significantly lower fatigue resistance than ProFile as in the C-test. K3 #30/.06 showed a lower fatigue resistance than K3 #25/.06, which was not found by the C-test. Variation in fatigue test methodology resulted in different cyclic fatigue resistance rankings for various NiTi files.


The new methodology standardized the load during fatigue testing, allowing determination fatigue behavior under constant load conditions.

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Original Articles
Hye-Young Cho, Il-Young Jung, Chan-Young Lee, Euiseong Kim
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2008;33(1):54-65.   Published online January 14, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of sodium hypochlorite and steam autoclaving on the cyclic fatigue of nickel-titanium endodontic files.

Two types of files with a .06 taper and #30 were used, K3® (SybronEndo, Glendora, California, USA) and Hero642®(Micro-Mega, Besançon, France).

The files were divided into 6 experimental groups containing 10 files each group depending the soaking time in 6% sodium hypochlorite solution and number of cycles of steam autoclave. After sterilization, a cyclic fatigue test was performed on each file, and the fracture time was recorded in seconds. The control group underwent the cyclic fatigue test only. After the test, the surface characteristics of the files were observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

All groups containing the Hero 642® files showed a similar cyclic fatigue fracture time. However, the cyclic fatigue fracture time with the K3® files was significantly shorter in groups which were treated with sodium hypochlorite than in the control group (P < 0.05). SEM revealed both Hero642® and K3® files to have significant corrosion on the file surface in groups treated with sodium hypochlorite, compared with the sharp and regular blades of the control group. K3® files showed more corrosion than the Hero642® files. Bluntness of the blades of the K3® file was observed in groups treated with steam autoclave. Although there was no obvious destruction on the surface of steam autoclaved Hero642® files, slight bluntness was observed.

Sterilizing with a steam autoclave is much less destructive to K3® files than sodium hypochlorite. The longer time exposed to sodium hypochlorite, the more destructive pattern was shown on the blades of the files. Therefore, when using sodium hypochlorite solution, the exposure time should be as short as possible in order to prevent corrosion and increase the cyclic fatigue fracture time.

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The Effect of Surface Defects on the Cyclic Fatigue Fracture of HEROShaper Ni-Ti rotary files in a Dynamic Model: A Fractographic Analysis
Jung-Kyu Lee, Eui-Sung Kim, Myoung-Whai Kang, Kee-Yeon Kum
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2007;32(2):130-137.   Published online March 31, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

This in vitro study examined the effect of surface defects on cutting blades on the extent of the cyclic fatigue fracture of HEROShaper Ni-Ti rotary files using fractographic analysis of the fractured surfaces. A total of 45 HEROShaper (MicroMega) Ni-Ti rotary files with a #30/.04 taper were divided into three groups of 15 each. Group 1 contained new HEROShapers without any surface defects. Group 2 contained HEROShapers with manufacturing defects such as metal rollover and machining marks. Group 3 contained HEROShapers that had been clinically used for the canal preparation of 4-6 molars. A fatigue-testing device was designed to allow cyclic tension and compressive stress on the tip of the instrument whilst maintaining similar conditions to those experienced in a clinic. The level of fatigue fracture time was measured using a computer connected the system. Statistical analysis was performed using a Tukey's test. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used for fractographic analysis of the fractured surfaces. The fatigue fracture time between groups 1 and 2, and between groups 1 and 3 was significantly different (p < 0.05) but there was no significant difference between groups 2 and 3 (p > 0.05). A low magnification SEM views show brittle fracture as the main initial failure mode. At higher magnification, the brittle fracture region showed clusters of fatigue striations and a large number of secondary cracks. These fractures typically led to a central region of catastrophic ductile failure. Qualitatively, the ductile fracture region was characterized by the formation of microvoids and dimpling. The fractured surfaces of the HEROShapers in groups 2 and 3 were always associated with pre-existing surface defects. Typically, the fractured surface in the brittle fracture region showed evidence of cleavage (transgranular) facets across the grains, as well as intergranular facets along the grain boundaries. These results show that surface defects on cutting blades of Ni-Ti rotary files might be the preferred sites for the origin of fatigue fracture under experimental conditions. Furthermore, this work demonstrates the utility of fractography in evaluating the failure of Ni-Ti rotary files.

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Comparative study on morphology of cross-section and cyclic fatigue test with different rotary NiTi files and handling methods
Jae-Gwan Kim, Kee-Yeon Kum, Eui-Seong Kim
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2006;31(2):96-102.   Published online March 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

There are various factors affecting the fracture of NiTi rotary files. This study was performed to evaluate the effect of cross sectional area, pecking motion and pecking distance on the cyclic fatigue fracture of different NiTi files. Five different NiTi files-Profile®(Maillefer, Ballaigue, Switzerland), ProTaper™ (Maillefer, Ballaigue, Switzerland), K3® (SybronEndo, Orange, CA), Hero 642® (Micro-mega, Besancon, France), Hero Shaper®(Micro-mega, Besancon, France)-were used. Each file was embedded in temporary resin, sectioned horizontally and observed with scanning electron microscope. The ratio of cross-sectional area to the circumscribed circle was calculated. Special device was fabricated to simulate the cyclic fatigue fracture of NiTi file in the curved canal,. On this device, NiTi files were rotated (300rpm) with different pecking distances (3 mm or 6 mm) and with different motions (static motion or dynamic pecking motion). Time until fracture occurs was measured. The results demonstrated that cross-sectional area didn't have any effect on the time of file fracture. Among the files, Profile® took the longest time to be fractured. Between the pecking motions, dynamic motion took the longer time to be fractured than static motion. There was no significant difference between the pecking distances with dynamic motion, however with static motion, the longer time was taken at 3mm distance. In this study, we could suggest that dynamic pecking motion would lengthen the time for NiTi file to be fractured from cyclic fatigue.

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