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3 "Durability"
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Eun-Sook Park, Ji-Hyun Bae, Jong-Soon Kim, Jae-Hoon Kim, In-Bog Lee, Chang-Keun Kim, Ho-Hyun Son, Byeong-Hoon Cho
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2009;34(1):42-50.   Published online January 14, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Deterioration of long-term dentin adhesion durability is thought to occur by hydrolytic degradation within hydrophilic domains of the adhesive and hybrid layers. This study investigated the hypothesis that priming the collagen network with an organic solvent displace water without collapse and thereby obtain good bond strength with an adhesive made of hydrophobic monomers and organic solvents. Three experimental adhesives were prepared by dissolving two hydrophobic monomers, bisphenol-A-glycidylmethacrylate (Bis-GMA) and triethylenegly-col dimethacrylate (TEGDMA), into acetone, ethanol or methanol. After an etching and rinsing procedure, the adhesives were applied onto either wet dentin surfaces (wet bonding) or dentin surfaces primed with the same solvent (solvent-primed bonding). Microtensile bond strength (MTBS) was measured at 48 hrs, 1 month and after 10,000 times of thermocycles. The bonded interfaces were evaluated using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Regardless of bonding protocols, well-developed hybrid layers were observed at the bonded interface in most specimens. The highest mean MTBS was observed in the adhesive containing ethanol at 48 hrs. With solvent-primed bonding, increased MTBS tendencies were seen with thermocycling in the adhesives containing ethanol or methanol. However, in the case of wet bonding, no increase in MTBS was observed with aging.

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Effect of chlorhexidine on microtensile bond strength of dentin bonding systems
Eun-Hwa Oh, Kyoung-Kyu Choi, Jong-Ryul Kim, Sang-Jin Park
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2008;33(2):148-161.   Published online March 31, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of chlorhexidine (CHX) on microtensile bond strength (µTBS) of dentin bonding systems.

Dentin collagenolytic and gelatinolytic activities can be suppressed by protease inhibitors, indicating that MMPs (Matrix metalloproteinases) inhibition could be beneficial in the preservation of hybrid layers. Chlorhexidine (CHX) is known as an inhibitor of MMPs activity in vitro.

The experiment was proceeded as follows:

At first, flat occlusal surfaces were prepared on mid-coronal dentin of extracted third molars. GI (Glass Ionomer) group was treated with dentin conditioner, and then, applied with 2% CHX. Both SM (Scotchbond Multipurpose) and SB (Single Bond) group were applied with CHX after acid-etched with 37% phosphoric acid. TS (Clearfil Tri-S) group was applied with CHX, and then, with adhesives. Hybrid composite Z-250 and resin-modified glass ionomer Fuji-II LC was built up on experimental dentin surfaces. Half of them were subjected to 10,000 thermocycle, while the others were tested immediately. With the resulting data, statistically two-way ANOVA was performed to assess the µTBS before and after thermocycling and the effect of CHX. All statistical tests were carried out at the 95% level of confidence. The failure mode of the testing samples was observed under a scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

Within limited results, the results of this study were as follows;

In all experimental groups applied with 2% chlorhexidine, the microtensile bond strength increased, and thermocycling decreased the microtensile bond strength (P > 0.05).

Compared to the thermocycling groups without chlorhexidine, those with both thermocycling and chlorhexidine showed higher microtensile bond strength, and there was significant difference especially in GI and TS groups.

SEM analysis of failure mode distribution revealed the adhesive failure at hybrid layer in most of the specimen, and the shift of the failure site from bottom to top of the hybrid layer with chlorhexidine groups.

2% chlorhexidine application after acid-etching proved to preserve the durability of the hybrid layer and microtensile bond strength of dentin bonding systems.

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The bonding durability of resin cements
Min-Woo Cho, Sang-Hyuk Park, Jong-Ryul Kim, Kyoung-Kyu Choi
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2007;32(4):343-355.   Published online July 31, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The objectives of this study was to evaluate the durability of 4 resin cements by means of microtensile bond strength test combined with thermocycling method and fractographic FE-SEM analysis.

Experimental groups were prepared according to thermocycling (0, 1,000, 5,000) and the kind of resin cements, those were Variolink II, Multilink, Panavia F 2.0, Rely X Unicem. Flat dentin surfaces were created on mid-coronal dentin of extracted third molars. Then fresh dentin surface was grounded with 320-grit silicon carbide abrasive papers to create uniform smear layers. Indirect composite block (Tescera, Bisco Inc., Schaumburg, IL, USA) was fabricated (12 × 12 × 6 mm3). It's surface for bonding to tooth was grounded with silicon carbide abrasive papers from 180- to 600-grit serially, then sandblasted with 20 - 50 µm alumina oxide. According to each manufacturer's instruction, dentin surface was treated and indirect composite block was luted on it using each resin cement. For Rely X Unicem, dentin surface was not treated. The bonded tooth-resin block were stored in distilled water at 37℃ for 24 hours. After thermocycling, the bonded tooth-resin block was sectioned occluso-gingivally to 1.0 mm thick serial slabs using an Isomet slow-speed saw (Isomet, Buehler Ltd, Lake Bluff, IL, USA). These sectioned slabs were further sectioned to 1.0 × 1.0 mm2 composite-dentin beams. The specimens were tested with universal testing machine (EZ-Test, Shimadzu, Japan) at a crosshead speed of 1.0 mm/min with maximum load of 500 N. The data was analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Duncan's multiple comparison test at p ≤ 0.05 level.

Within the limited results, we conclude as follows;

1. The bond strength of Variolink II was evaluated the highest among experimental groups and was significantly decreased after 1,000 thermocycling (p < 0.05).

2. The bond strength of Multilink was more affected by thermocycling than the other experimental groups and significantly decreased after 1,000 thermocycling (p < 0.05).

3. Panavia F 2.0 and Rely X Unicem showed the gradually decreased tendency of microtensile bond strength according to thermocycling but there was no significant difference (p > 0.05).

4. Adhesive based-resin cements showed lower bond strength with or without thermocycling than composite based-resin cements.

5. Variolink II & Multilink showed high bond strength and mixed failure, which was occurred with a thin layer of luting resin cement before thermocycling and gradually increased adhesive failure along the dentin surface after thermocycling.

The bonding performance of resin cement can be affected by application procedure and chemical composition. Composite based-resin cement showed higher bond strength and durability than adhesive based-resin cement.

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