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Yong-Keun Lee 3 Articles
Translucency changes of direct esthetic restorative materials after curing, aging and treatment
Yong-Keun Lee
Restor Dent Endod 2016;41(4):239-245.   Published online July 14, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The purpose of this article was to review the changes in translucency of direct esthetic restorative materials after curing, aging and treatment. As a criterion for the evaluation of clinical translucency changes, visual perceptibility threshold in translucency parameter difference (ΔTP) of 2 was used. Translucency changes after curing were perceivable depending on experimental methods and products (largest ΔTP in resin composites = 15.9). Translucency changes after aging were reported as either relatively stable or showed perceivable changes by aging protocols (largest ΔTP in resin composites = -3.8). Translucency changes after curing, aging and treatment were perceivable in several products and experimental methods. Therefore, shade matching of direct esthetic materials should be performed considering these instabilities of translucency in direct esthetic materials.

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Criteria for clinical translucency evaluation of direct esthetic restorative materials
Yong-Keun Lee
Restor Dent Endod 2016;41(3):159-166.   Published online June 28, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The purpose of this review was to suggest practical criteria for the clinical translucency evaluation of direct esthetic restorative materials, and to review the translucency with these criteria. For the evaluation of reported translucency values, measuring instrument and method, specimen thickness, background color, and illumination should be scrutinized. Translucency parameter (TP) of 15 to 19 could be regarded as the translucency of 1 mm thick human enamel. Visual perceptibility threshold for translucency difference in contrast ratio (ΔCR) of 0.07 could be transformed into ΔTP value of 2. Translucency differences between direct and indirect resin composites were perceivable (ΔTP > 2). Universal and corresponding flowable resin composites did not show perceivable translucency differences in most products. Translucency differed significantly by the product within each shade group, and by the shade group within each product. Translucency of human enamel and perceptibility threshold for translucency difference may be used as criteria for the clinical evaluation of translucency of esthetic restorative materials.

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Fracture resistance of crown-root fractured teeth repaired with dual-cured composite resin and horizontal posts
Seok-Woo Chang, Yong-Keun Lee, Seung-Hyun Kyung, Hyun-Mi Yoo, Tae-Seok Oh, Dong-Sung Park
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2009;34(5):383-389.   Published online September 30, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The purpose of this study was to investigate the fracture resistance of crown-root fractured teeth repaired with dual-cured composite resin and horizontal posts. 48 extracted human premolars were assigned to control group and three experimental groups. Complete crown-root fractures were experimentally induced in all control and experimental teeth. In the control group, the teeth (n=12) were bonded with resin cement and endodontically treated. Thereafter, the access cavities were sealed with dual-cured composite resin. In composite resin core - post group (n=12), the teeth were endodontically treated and access cavities were sealed with dual-cured composite resin. In addition, the fractured segments in this group were fixed using horizontal posts. In composite resin core group (n=12), the teeth were endodontically treated and the access cavities were filled with dual-cured composite resin without horizontal posts. In bonded amalgam group (n=12), the teeth were endodontically treated and the access cavities were sealed with bonded amalgam. Experimental complete crown-root fractures were induced again on repaired control and experimental teeth. The ratio of fracture resistance to original fracture resistance was analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis test. The results showed that teeth in control and composite resin core - post group showed significantly higher resistance to re-fracture than those in amalgam core group (p < 0.05). The resistance to refracture was high in the order of composite resin - post group, control group, composite resin group and bonded amalgam group. Within the scope of this study, the use of horizontal post could be beneficial in increasing the fracture resistance of previously fractured teeth.

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Restor Dent Endod : Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics
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