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Seung-Hoon Han 2 Articles
Micro-CT evaluation of internal adaptation in resin fillings with different dentin adhesives
Seung-Hoon Han, Sung-Ho Park
Restor Dent Endod 2014;39(1):24-31.   Published online January 20, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The purpose of present study was to evaluate the internal adaptation of composite restorations using different adhesive systems.

Materials and Methods

Typical class I cavities were prepared in 32 human third molars. The teeth were divided into the following four groups: 3-step etch-and-rinse, 2-step etch-and-rinse, 2-step self-etch and 1-step self-etch system were used. After the dentin adhesives were applied, composite resins were filled and light-cured in two layers. Then, silver nitrate solution was infiltrated, and all of the samples were scanned by micro-CT before and after thermo-mechanical load cycling. For each image, the length to which silver nitrate infiltrated, as a percentage of the whole pulpal floor length, was calculated (%SP). To evaluate the internal adaptation using conventional method, the samples were cut into 3 pieces by two sectioning at an interval of 1 mm in the middle of the cavity and they were dyed with Rhodamine-B. The cross sections of the specimens were examined by stereomicroscope. The lengths of the parts where actual leakage was shown were measured and calculated as a percentage of real leakage (%RP). The values for %SP and %RP were compared.


After thermo-mechanical loading, all specimens showed significantly increased %SP compared to before thermo-mechanical loading and 1-step self-etch system had the highest %SP (p < 0.05). There was a tendency for %SP and %RP to show similar microleakage percentage depending on its sectioning.


After thermo-mechanical load cycling, there were differences in internal adaptation among the groups using different adhesive systems.

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Young-Eun Lee, Eui-Seong Kim, Jin Kim, Seung-Hoon Han, Seung-Jong Lee
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2009;34(4):356-363.   Published online January 14, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the viability of periodontal ligament cells in rat teeth using slow cryo-preservation method under pressure by means of MTT assay and WST-1 assay. Eighteen teeth of Sprague-Dawley white female rats of 4 week-old were used for each group.

Both sides of the first and second maxillary molars were extracted as atraumatically as possible under Tiletamine anesthesia. The experimental groups were group 1 (Immediate control), group 2 (Cold preservation at 4°C for 1 week), group 3 (Slow freezing), group 4 (Slow freezing under pressure of 3 MPa). F-medium and 10% DMSO were used as preservation medium and cryo-protectant. For cryo-preservation groups, thawing was performed in 37°C water bath, then MTT assay and WST-1 assay were processed. One way ANOVA and Tukey method were performed at the 95% level of confidence. The values of optical density obtained by MTT assay and WST-1 were divided by the values of eosin staining for tissue volume standardization.

In both MTT and WST-1 assay, group 4 showed significantly higher viability of periodontal ligament cells than group 2 and 3 (p < 0.05), but showed lower viability than immediate control group.

By the results of this study, slow cryo-preservation method under pressure suggests the possibility for long term cryo-preservation of the teeth.

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Restor Dent Endod : Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics
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