Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering Lab., Dankook University, Cheonan, Korea.
©Copyights 2012. The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry.
Retention (+++, too much ; ++, tight; +, moderate; -, loose; --, too loose)
Disturbance (+++, too disturbing; ++, disturbing; +, comfort)
Retention (+++, too much ; ++, tight; +, moderate; -, loose; --, too loose)
Disturbance (+++, too disturbing; ++, disturbing; +, comfort)
Retention (+++, too much; ++, tight; +, moderate; -, loose; --, too loose)
Disturbance (+++, too disturbing; ++, disturbing; +, comfort)
n.s., non-specific.
Retention (+++, too much ; ++, tight; +, moderate; -, loose; --, too loose) Disturbance (+++, too disturbing; ++, disturbing; +, comfort)
Retention (+++, too much; ++, tight; +, moderate; -, loose; --, too loose) Disturbance (+++, too disturbing; ++, disturbing; +, comfort)
n.s., non-specific.