1Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering Lab., Dankook University, Cheonan, Korea.
2Department of Conservative Dentistry, Plant Dental Hospital, Daejon, Korea.
©Copyights 2012. The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry.
This table was adopted from Lendini, M. (2005) The effect of high-frequency electrical pulses on organic tissue in root canals. Int Endod J, 38, 534.
This table was adopted from Lendini, M. (2005) The effect of high-frequency electrical pulses on organic tissue in root canals. Int Endod J, 38, 534.
WL-3 mm, Needle position is 3 mm from the apex; WL-9 mm, Needle position is 9 mm from the apex.
WL-3 mm, Needle position is 3 mm from the apex; WL-9 mm, Needle position is 9 mm from the apex.
This table was adopted from Lendini, M. (2005) The effect of high-frequency electrical pulses on organic tissue in root canals.
WL-3 mm, Needle position is 3 mm from the apex; WL-9 mm, Needle position is 9 mm from the apex.
WL-3 mm, Needle position is 3 mm from the apex; WL-9 mm, Needle position is 9 mm from the apex.