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The comparison on micro-tensile bond strengths of variable adhesive systems to Class V cavity
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Original Article The comparison on micro-tensile bond strengths of variable adhesive systems to Class V cavity
Jung-Mi Kwon, Kyung-Kyu Choi, Sang-Jin Park,
Journal of Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry 2004;29(1):1-12.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5395/JKACD.2004.29.1.1
Published online: January 14, 2004

Department of Conservative Dentistry, Division of Dentistry, Graduate School of Kyung Hee University

Corresponding author: Sang-Jin Park, Dept. of Conservative Dentistry, Division of Dentistry, Graduated School of Kyung Hee University 1, Hoegi Dong, Dongdaemoon Gu, Seoul, 130-702, Korea, Tel : 02) 958-9335, E-mail : psangjin@khu.ac.kr

Copyright © 2004 The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Fig. 1.
Specimen preparation for tensile bonding test: A) cavity preparation on buccal cervical area, B) adhesive systems bonding and restoration, additional composite build-up, C) vertical slice with 1mm thickness, D) trimmed specimen with hour glass shape.
Fig. 2.
Micro-tensile Bond Strengths : Occlusal wall
Fig. 3.
Micro-tensile Bond Strengths : Gingival wall
Fig. 4.
Micro-tensile Bond Strengths of occlusal and gingival wall
Fig. 5A.
SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the GI group on the occlusal wall.
Fig. 5B.
SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the GI group on the gingival wall.
Fig. 6A.
SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the DE group on the occlusal wall.
Fig. 6B.
SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the DE group on the gingival wall.
Fig. 7A.
SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the DN group on the occlusal wall.
Fig. 7B.
SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the DN group on the gingival wall.
Fig. 8A.
SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the SE group on the occlusal wall.
Fig. 8B.
SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the SE group on the gingival wall.
Fig. 9A.
SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the SB group on the occlusal wall.
Fig. 9B.
SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the SB group on the gingival wall.
Table 1.
Materials used in this study
Products Main Components Manufacturer
Resin modified glass ionomer
Fuji Ⅱ LC fluoroaluminum silicate glass, GC Co.
polyacrylic acid, HEMA (Tokyo, Japan)
Dentin Conditioner 20% polyacrylic acid with 3% AlCl3
Dyract AP resin, strontium-fluoro silicate glass
Prime & Bond NT Etchant 36% Phosphoric acid Dentsply Caulk
Adhesive UDMA, PENTA, nanofiller, acetone, trimethacrylate resin (Milford, USA)
Non Rinse Conditioner itaconic acid, maleic acid
Self-etching system
Clearfil SE Bond Primer MDP, HEMA, water Kuraray Co.
Adhesive dimethacrylate, microfiller, MDP, HEMA (Osaka, Japan)
Self-priming system
Single Bond Etchant 37% Phosphoric acid 3M Co.
Adhesive HEMA, Bis-GMA, ethanol, water (St. Paul, MN,
Polyalkenoic acid copolymer USA)
Resin composite
Clearfil AP-X Barium glass, silicone dioxide, Kuraray Co.
3.0§(0.1~15§), 84.5wt% (Osaka, Japan)

Bis-GMA=Bisphenol-A glycidyl methacrylate


MDP=methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate

Table 2.
Five experimental groups
Group Materials
GI Fuji Ⅱ LC Dentin Conditioner
DE Dyract AP Prime&Bond NT(with Etching)
DN Dyract AP Prime&Bond NT(with NRC)
SE Clearfil AP-X Clearfil SE Bond
SB Clearfil AP-X Single Bond
Table 3.
Micro-tensile bond strength of experimental groups (Unit : MPa±SD)
Group Occlusal wall Gingival wall
GI 23.27± 8.63a 15.09± 5.10a
DE 29.84±10.54ab 16.52± 4.14a
DN 29.63± 9.94abA 22.53±11.90abA
SE 36.34±11.11b 27.51± 7.99b
SB 36.47±13.39bA 30.20±12.40bA

Mean values with the same uppercase and lowercase superscript letters are not statistically different(p>0.05).

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        The comparison on micro-tensile bond strengths of variable adhesive systems to Class V cavity
        J Korean Acad Conserv Dent. 2004;29(1):1-12.   Published online January 14, 2004
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      The comparison on micro-tensile bond strengths of variable adhesive systems to Class V cavity
      Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
      Fig. 1. Specimen preparation for tensile bonding test: A) cavity preparation on buccal cervical area, B) adhesive systems bonding and restoration, additional composite build-up, C) vertical slice with 1mm thickness, D) trimmed specimen with hour glass shape.
      Fig. 2. Micro-tensile Bond Strengths : Occlusal wall
      Fig. 3. Micro-tensile Bond Strengths : Gingival wall
      Fig. 4. Micro-tensile Bond Strengths of occlusal and gingival wall
      Fig. 5A. SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the GI group on the occlusal wall.
      Fig. 5B. SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the GI group on the gingival wall.
      Fig. 6A. SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the DE group on the occlusal wall.
      Fig. 6B. SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the DE group on the gingival wall.
      Fig. 7A. SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the DN group on the occlusal wall.
      Fig. 7B. SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the DN group on the gingival wall.
      Fig. 8A. SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the SE group on the occlusal wall.
      Fig. 8B. SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the SE group on the gingival wall.
      Fig. 9A. SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the SB group on the occlusal wall.
      Fig. 9B. SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of the SB group on the gingival wall.
      The comparison on micro-tensile bond strengths of variable adhesive systems to Class V cavity
      Products Main Components Manufacturer
      Resin modified glass ionomer
      Fuji Ⅱ LC fluoroaluminum silicate glass, GC Co.
      polyacrylic acid, HEMA (Tokyo, Japan)
      Dentin Conditioner 20% polyacrylic acid with 3% AlCl3
      Dyract AP resin, strontium-fluoro silicate glass
      Prime & Bond NT Etchant 36% Phosphoric acid Dentsply Caulk
      Adhesive UDMA, PENTA, nanofiller, acetone, trimethacrylate resin (Milford, USA)
      Non Rinse Conditioner itaconic acid, maleic acid
      Self-etching system
      Clearfil SE Bond Primer MDP, HEMA, water Kuraray Co.
      Adhesive dimethacrylate, microfiller, MDP, HEMA (Osaka, Japan)
      Self-priming system
      Single Bond Etchant 37% Phosphoric acid 3M Co.
      Adhesive HEMA, Bis-GMA, ethanol, water (St. Paul, MN,
      Polyalkenoic acid copolymer USA)
      Resin composite
      Clearfil AP-X Barium glass, silicone dioxide, Kuraray Co.
      3.0§(0.1~15§), 84.5wt% (Osaka, Japan)
      Group Materials
      GI Fuji Ⅱ LC Dentin Conditioner
      DE Dyract AP Prime&Bond NT(with Etching)
      DN Dyract AP Prime&Bond NT(with NRC)
      SE Clearfil AP-X Clearfil SE Bond
      SB Clearfil AP-X Single Bond
      Group Occlusal wall Gingival wall
      GI 23.27± 8.63a 15.09± 5.10a
      DE 29.84±10.54ab 16.52± 4.14a
      DN 29.63± 9.94abA 22.53±11.90abA
      SE 36.34±11.11b 27.51± 7.99b
      SB 36.47±13.39bA 30.20±12.40bA
      Table 1. Materials used in this study

      Bis-GMA=Bisphenol-A glycidyl methacrylate


      MDP=methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate

      Table 2. Five experimental groups

      Table 3. Micro-tensile bond strength of experimental groups (Unit : MPa±SD)

      Mean values with the same uppercase and lowercase superscript letters are not statistically different(p>0.05).

      Restor Dent Endod : Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics
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