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The effects of the fluoride concentration of acidulated buffer solutions on dentine remineralization
Won-Sub Han, Chan-Young Lee
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2009;34(6):526-536.   Published online November 30, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The aim of this vitro-study is to evaluate the effects of fluoride on remineralization of artificial dentine caries. 10 sound permanent premolars, which were extracted for orthodontic reason within 1 week, were used for this study. Artificial dentine caries was created by using a partially saturated buffer solution for 2 days with grounded thin specimens and fractured whole-body specimens. Remineralization solutions with three different fluoride concentration (1 ppm, 2 ppm and 4 ppm) were used on demineralized-specimens for 7 days. Polarizing microscope and scanning electron microscope were used for the evaluation of the mineral distribution profile and morphology of crystallites of hydroxyapatite.

The results were as follows :

When treated with the fluoride solutions, the demineralized dentine specimens showed remineralization of the upper part and demineralization of the lower part of the lesion body simultaneously.

As the concentration of fluoride increased, the mineral precipitation in the caries dentine increased. The mineral precipitation mainly occurred in the surface layer in 1 and 2 ppm-specimens and in the whole lesion body in 4 ppm-specimens.

When treated with the fluoride solution, the hydroxyapatite crystals grew. This crystal growth was even observed in the lower part of the lesion body which had shown the loss of mineral.

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