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The effect of individualization of fiberglass posts using bulk-fill resin-based composites on cementation: an in vitro study
Rodrigo Barros Esteves Lins, Jairo Matozinho Cordeiro, Carolina Perez Rangel, Thiago Bessa Marconato Antunes, Luís Roberto Marcondes Martins
Restor Dent Endod 2019;44(4):e37.   Published online October 18, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

This study evaluated the bond strength of various fiberglass post cementation techniques using different resin-based composites.

Materials and Methods

The roots from a total of 100 bovine incisors were randomly assigned to 5 treatment groups: G1, post + Scotchbond Multi-Purpose (SBMP) + RelyX ARC luting agent; G2, relined post (Filtek Z250) + SBMP + RelyX ARC; G3, individualized post (Filtek Z250) + SBMP; G4, individualized post (Filtek Bulk-Fill) + SBMP; G5, individualized post (Filtek Bulk-Fill Flow) + SBMP. The samples were subjected to the push-out (n = 10) and pull-out (n = 10) bond strength tests. Data from the push-out bond strength test were analyzed using 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the Bonferroni post hoc test, and data from the pull-out bond strength test were analyzed using 1-way ANOVA.


The data for push-out bond strength presented higher values for G2 and G5, mainly in the cervical and middle thirds, and the data from the apical third showed a lower mean push-out bond strength in all groups. No significant difference was noted for pull-out bond strength among all groups. The most frequent failure modes observed were adhesive failure between dentine and resin and mixed failure.


Fiberglass post cementation using restorative and flowable bulk-fill composites with the individualization technique may be a promising alternative to existing methods of post cementation.

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Anatomical analysis of the resected roots of mandibular first molars after failed non-surgical retreatment
Jiyoung Yoon, Byeong-Hoon Cho, Jihyun Bae, Yonghoon Choi
Restor Dent Endod 2018;43(2):e16.   Published online March 5, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Understanding the reason for an unsuccessful non-surgical endodontic treatment outcome, as well as the complex anatomy of the root canal system, is very important. This study examined the cross-sectional root canal structure of mandibular first molars confirmed to have failed non-surgical root canal treatment using digital images obtained during intentional replantation surgery, as well as the causative factors of the failed conventional endodontic treatments.

Materials and Methods

This study evaluated 115 mandibular first molars. Digital photographic images of the resected surface were taken at the apical 3 mm level and examined. The discolored dentin area around the root canal was investigated by measuring the total surface area, the treated areas as determined by the endodontic filling material, and the discolored dentin area.


Forty 2-rooted teeth showed discolored root dentin in both the mesial and distal roots. Compared to the original filled area, significant expansion of root dentin discoloration was observed. Moreover, the mesial roots were significantly more discolored than the distal roots. Of the 115 molars, 92 had 2 roots. Among the mesial roots of the 2-rooted teeth, 95.7% of the roots had 2 canals and 79.4% had partial/complete isthmuses and/or accessory canals.


Dentin discoloration that was not visible on periapical radiographs and cone-beam computed tomography was frequently found in mandibular first molars that failed endodontic treatment. The complex anatomy of the mesial roots of the mandibular first molars is another reason for the failure of conventional endodontic treatment.

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