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1 "Spectrophotometric analysis"
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Original Article
Spectrophotometric evaluation of sealing effects of several root-end filling materials
Jin-Gyu Yi, Sang-Jin Park, Kyung-Kyu Choi, Gi-Woon Choi
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2003;28(6):449-456.   Published online November 30, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the sealing effect of several root-end filling materials using spectrophotometric analysis. 180 single root teeth with one canal were instrumented and canal filled. Root resected and root end preparation was made. Teeth were randomly classified to 5 experimental group(MTA, EBA, IRM, TCP, ZOE) and 1 control group according to root-end filling material MTA group used PRO ROOT MTA, EBA group used Super EBA, TCP group used NEW APATITE LINER TYPE II main component of which is α-tricalcium phosphate(TCP). According to manufacture's instruction experimental material was mixed and retrfilled. After 2% methylene blue solution penetration absorbance for each test sample was measured with spectrophotometer (JASCO UV-530, Japan).

The mean absorbance of control and experimental group was as follows;

MTA : 0.092, IRM : 0.226, Super EBA : 0.255, ZOE : 0.374, Control : 0.425, TCP : 0.501 and the result analyzed by Turkey test at P=0.05 level.

Conclusions of this study are as follows;

The absorbance increase in follwing sequence MTA, IRM, Super EBA, ZOE, Control, TCP.

MTA showed the least leakage but was not significant with IRM or Super EBA and was significant with control or TCP(p<0.05).

TCP had the most leakage and was not significant with control group.

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