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2 "Soo-Il Shin"
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A study on the material properties of various composite resins for core build-up
Soo-Il Shin, Dong-Hoon Shin
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2004;29(2):191-199.   Published online March 31, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The purposes of this study were to estimate the material properties of the recently developed domestic composite resins for core filling material (Chemical, Dual A, Dual B; Vericom, Korea) and to compare them with other marketed foreign products (CorePaste, Den-Mat, USA; Ti-Core, Essential Dental Systems, USA; Support, SCI-Pharm, USA). Six assessments were made; working time, setting time, depth of polymerization, flexural strength, bonding strength, and marginal leakage. All items were compared to ISO standards.

All domestic products satisfied the minimum requirements from ISO standards (working time: above 90 seconds, setting time: within 5 minutes), and showed significantly higher flexural strength than Core Paste. Dual A and B could, especially, reduce the setting time to 60 seconds when cured with 600 mW/cm2 light intensity. All experimental materials showed 6 mm depth of polymerization.

Bond strengths of Ti-Core and Dual B materials were significantly higher than the other materials. Furthermore, three domestic products and Ti-Core could reduce the microleakage effectively.

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A quantitative analysis about microleakage of all-in-one adhesives
Yong-Hee Kang, Soo-Il Shin, Dong-Hoon Shin
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2004;29(1):66-72.   Published online January 31, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

All-in-one adhesives were recently developed for reducing the techique sensitivity and chair time, but lots of concerns were made on bondability, longevity, and microleakage.

The object of this study was to evaluate microleakage and marginal quality of all-in-one adhesives using electrochemical method and SEM analysis quantitatively.

After making Class V cavities, they were bulk filled with Heliomolar(#A1) after surface treatment with three adhesives: Adper Prompt (Group A), One up bond F (Group O), Xeno III (Group X). Electrical conductivity (microamphere, µA) was checked two times: before and after cavity filling.

Percentage of leaky margin was estimated from SEM image (×1,000).

The data were statistically analysed: ANOVA and Paired T test for electrical conductivity, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney test for marginal quality, Spearman's rho test for checking of relationships between 2 methods.

The result were as follows:

1. There was no difference in microleakage between adhesive systems and every specimen showed some of microleakage after filling.

2. Microleakage was reduced about 70% with composite resin filling.

3. Marginal quality was the best in group A, decreasing among groups in the following order: group O, followed by group X. There were significant differences between group A and group X (p=0.015), and between group O and group X (p=0.019).

4. There was no relationship between the microleakage measured by electrochemical method and marginal quality measured by SEM analysis.

Within the results of this study, there was no difference in microleakage among groups by electrical conductivity. However, significant difference in marginal quality was seen among groups. It was believed that these dissimilar results might be induced because of their own characteristics. Analysis of microleakage needs various methods for accuracy.

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