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New quantitative measuring technique for microleakage of the restored tooth through 3D reconstruction
Sang-Yoon Ha, Dong-Hoon Shin
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2004;29(5):413-422.   Published online September 30, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Established microleakage tests have their own disadvantages. In this study, 3D reconstruction method was tried to overcome these disadvantages.

Four types of microleakage tests were used and relationships among them were estimated: penetrated dye volume; marginal adaptability; degree of dye penetration and relative penetrated length to cavity wall.

Twenty-four Class V cavities were bulk filled with composite (Esthet X) following surface treatments: N group (no treatment); E group (etching only); T group (etching + Prime & Bond NT). 50% silver nitrate was used as a dye solution after thermocycling (5℃ & 55℃, 1,000 times). Teeth were serially ground with a thickness of 0.2 mm. Volume of dye penetration was estimated from a three-dimensionally reconstructed image with a software (3D-DOCTOR). Percentage of margin without gap was estimated from SEM and degree of dye penetration and the relative length of dye penetration to overall cavity wall were also estimated.

ANOVA and Scheffe test for dye volume, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney test for marginal quality, Spearman's rho test for checking of relationships among methods were used.

The results were as follows:

1. Dye penetration could be seen from several directions, furthermore, its volumetric estimation was possible.

2. Reverse relationship was found between dye volume and marginal quality (r = -0.881 / p = 0.004).

3. Very low relationship was seen between dye volume and two-dimensional tests (degree of dye penetration and relative length). However, 2D evaluation methods showed high relationship (p = 0.002-0.054) each other.

4. Three times vertical section could be recommended as a 2D test.

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Soo-Man Park, Jae-Yong Lee, Seung-Ryul Han, Sang-Yoon Ha, Dong-Hoon Shin
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2002;27(4):403-410.   Published online January 14, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Several ways of curing are being tried to improve material’s properties and reduce marginal gap. However, all are considering about the pattern of light intensity. It was noted from the preliminary study the change of light wavelength from filter changing may give an impact on material’s property and microleakage.

The object of this study was to verify the effect of filters with various wavelength width on the microhardness and microleakage of composite resin; hybrid type of DenFil and submicron hybrid type of Esthet X. Composite resins were cured using 3 kinds of filter; narrow-banded(465-475 nm), mid-banded(430-470 nm), wide-banded(400-500 nm). After the estimation of microhardness, degree of dye penetration and the maximum gap from SEM evaluation were done between 4 groups that showed no difference in microhardness value of the lower surface.

The results were as follows:

Adequate microhardness could not be gained with a narrow-banded filter irrespective of curing time. At the upper surface, DenFil should be polymerized with middle or wide-banded filter for 20 seconds at least, while Esthet X be cured with middle or wide-banded filter for 30 seconds at least to get similar hardness value to control group.

There was little dye penetration in enamel margin, but all dentin margins showed much more dye penetration irrespective of curing conditions. Although there was no statistical difference, groups cured with mid-banded filter for 40 seconds and with wide-width filter for 20 seconds showed relatively less dye penetration.

It was revealed from the SEM examination that group cured with wide-banded filter had the smallest gap without statistical significance. Spearman’s rho test showed that the correlation between the results of dye penetration and SEM examination was very low.

From these results, it could be concluded that curing with wide-width filter would be better than the other techniques, even though the curing technique using mid-width filter seems to have its own unique advantage.

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