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3 "Guided endodontics"
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Case Report
Fiber-reinforced composite post removal using guided endodontics: a case report
Changgi Cho, Hyo Jin Jo, Jung-Hong Ha
Restor Dent Endod 2021;46(4):e50.   Published online September 23, 2021
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Although several techniques have been proposed to remove fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) post, no safe and efficient technique has been established. Recently, a guided endodontics technique has been introduced in cases of pulp canal obliteration. This study describes 2 cases of FRC post removal from maxillary anterior teeth using this guided endodontics technique with a dental operating microscope. Optically scanned data set from plaster cast model was superimposed with the data set of cone-beam computed tomography. By implant planning software, the path of a guide drill was selected. Based on them, a customized stent was fabricated and utilized to remove the FRC post. Employing guided endodontics, the FRC post was removed quickly and safely with minimizing the loss of the remaining tooth structure. The guided endodontics was a useful option for FRC post removal.

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Review Article
Traditional and minimally invasive access cavities in endodontics: a literature review
Ioanna Kapetanaki, Fotis Dimopoulos, Christos Gogos
Restor Dent Endod 2021;46(3):e46.   Published online August 13, 2021
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The aim of this review was to evaluate the effects of different access cavity designs on endodontic treatment and tooth prognosis. Two independent reviewers conducted an unrestricted search of the relevant literature contained in the following electronic databases: PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, Web of Science, and OpenGrey. The electronic search was supplemented by a manual search during the same time period. The reference lists of the articles that advanced to second-round screening were hand-searched to identify additional potential articles. Experts were also contacted in an effort to learn about possible unpublished or ongoing studies. The benefits of minimally invasive access (MIA) cavities are not yet fully supported by research data. There is no evidence that this approach can replace the traditional approach of straight-line access cavities. Guided endodontics is a new method for teeth with pulp canal calcification and apical infection, but there have been no cost-benefit investigations or time studies to verify these personal opinions. Although the purpose of MIA cavities is to reflect clinicians' interest in retaining a greater amount of the dental substance, traditional cavities are the safer method for effective instrument operation and the prevention of iatrogenic complications.

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Case Report
Guided endodontics: a case report of maxillary lateral incisors with multiple dens invaginatus
Afzal Ali, Hakan Arslan
Restor Dent Endod 2019;44(4):e38.   Published online October 21, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Navigation of the main root canal and dealing with a dens invaginatus (DI) is a challenging task in clinical practice. Recently, the guided endodontics technique has become an alternative method for accessing root canals, surgical cavities, and calcified root canals without causing iatrogenic damage to tissue. In this case report, the use of the guided endodontics technique for two maxillary lateral incisors with multiple DIs is described. A 16-year-old female patient was referred with the chief complaint of pain and discoloured upper front teeth. Based on clinical and radiographic findings, a diagnosis of pulp necrosis and chronic periapical abscess associated with double DI (Oehler's type II) was established for the upper left lateral maxillary incisor (tooth #22). Root canal treatment and the sealing of double DI with mineral trioxide aggregate was planned for tooth #22. For tooth #12 (Oehler's type II), preventive sealing of the DI was planned. Minimally invasive access to the double DI and the main root canal of tooth #22, and to the DI of tooth #12, was achieved using the guided endodontics technique. This technique can be a valuable tool because it reduces chair-time and, more importantly, the risk of iatrogenic damage to the tooth structure.

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