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2 "Class II cavity"
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A survey on the use of composite resin in Class II restoration in Korea
Dong-Ho Shin, Se-Eun Park, In-Seok Yang, Juhea Chang, In-Bog Lee, Byeong-Hoon Cho, Ho-Hyun Son
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2009;34(2):87-94.   Published online March 31, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The purpose of this study was to assess the current materials, methods and difficulties according to the year of licence and educational background of Korean dentists in Class II direct composite resin restorations.

Total 17 questions were included in the questionnaire. Questions were broadly divided into two parts; first, operator's information, and second, the materials and methods used in Class II posterior composite restoration. The questionnaire was sent to dentists enrolled in Korean Dental Association via e-mail. Total 12,193 e-mails were distributed to dentists, 2,612 e-mails were opened, and 840 mails (32.2%) were received from respondents. The data was statically analyzed by chi-square test using SPSS(v. 12.0.1, SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA).

Male dentists among respondents was 79%. 60.3% of the respondents acquired their licences recently (1998-2007), and 77% practiced in private offices. 83.4% have acquired their knowledge through school lectures, conferences and seminars.

For the Class II restorations, gold inlays were preferred by 65.7% of respondents, while direct composite resin restorations were used by 12.1% amalgam users were only 4.4% of respondents.

For the restorative technique, 74.4% of respondents didn't use rubber dam as needed. For the matrix, mylar strip (53.4%), metal matrix (33.8%) and Palodent system (6.5%) were used. 99.6% of respondents restored the Class II cavity by incremental layering.

Obtaining of the tight interproximal contact was considered as the most difficult procedure (57.2%) followed by field isolation (21%).

Among various bonding systems, 22.6% of respondents preferred SE Bond and 20.2% used Single Bond. Z-250 was used most frequently among a variety of composite resins.

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The effect of marginal microleakge according to thickness of flowable resin
Gi-Gang Song, Young-Gon Cho
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2005;30(5):363-371.   Published online September 30, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

This study investigated the effect of thickness of flowable resin lining on marginal leakage in class II composite restorations. 80 experimental teeth were prepared with class II preparations with enamel margin or dentin margin. Each group was devided into four groups according to flowable resin lining thickness ; Control group - no flowable resin lining, Group 1 - 0.5 mm flowable resin lining, Group 2 - 1 mm flowable resin lining, Group 3 - 2 mm flowable resin lining. The cavities were restored using Scotchbond Multi-Purpose adhesive system, Filtek Flow and Filtek Z 250 composite resin.

Following one day storage in distilled water, the restored teeth were thermocycled for 500 cycles and immersed in 2% methylene blue for 24 hours.

The results of this study were as follows:

1. Ranking of mean microleakage scores at the enamel margins was Group 1 < Control = Group 2 < Group 3. The microleakage of Group 3 was significantly higher than that of Control, Group 1 and Group 2 (p < 0.05).

2. Ranking of mean microleakage scores at the dentin margins was Group 1 < Group 2 < Control < Group 3. The microleakage of Group 3 was significantly higher than that of Control, Group 1 (p < 0.05).

3. Compared with microleakage between the enamel and dentin margins, enamel margin group were significantly lower than dentin margin group.

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