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1 "Atraumatic safe extraction"
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Basic Research
Clinical evaluation of a new extraction method for intentional replantation
Yong-Hoon Choi, Ji-Hyun Bae
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2011;36(3):211-218.   Published online May 31, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Intentional replantation (IR) is a suitable treatment option when nonsurgical retreatment and periradicular surgery are unfeasible. For successful IR, fracture-free safe extraction is crucial step. Recently, a new extraction method of atraumatic safe extraction (ASE) for IR has been introduced.

Patients and Methods

Ninety-six patients with the following conditions who underwent IR at the Department of Conservative Dentistry, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, in 2010 were enrolled in this study: failed nonsurgical retreatment and periradicular surgery not recommended because of anatomical limitations or when rejected by the patient. Preoperative orthodontic extrusive force was applied for 2-3 weeks to increase mobility and periodontal ligament volume. A Physics Forceps was used for extraction and the success rate of ASE was assessed.


Ninety-six premolars and molars were treated by IR. The complete success rate (no crown and root fracture) was 93% (n = 89); the limited success rates because of partial root tip fracture and partial osteotomy were 2% (n = 2) and 5% (n = 5), respectively. The clinical and overall success rates of ASE were 95% and 100%, respectively; no failure was observed.


ASE can be regarded as a reproducible, predictable method of extraction for IR.

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