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2 "Additional canals"
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Case Reports
Endodontic management of a maxillary first molar with three roots and seven root canals with the aid of cone-beam computed tomography
Gurudutt Nayak, Kamal Krishan Singh, Rhitu Shekhar
Restor Dent Endod 2015;40(3):241-248.   Published online June 3, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Variation in root canal morphology, especially in maxillary first molar presents a constant challenge for a clinician in their detection and management. This case report describes the successful root canal treatment of a three rooted right maxillary first molar presenting with three canals each in the mesiobuccal and distobuccal roots and one canal in the palatal root. The clinical detection of this morphologic aberration was made using a dental operating microscope, and the canal configuration was established after correlating and computing the clinical, radiographic and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan findings. CBCT images confirmed the configuration of the canals in the mesiobuccal and distobuccal roots to be Al-Qudah and Awawdeh type (3-2) and type (3-2-1), respectively, whereas the palatal root had a Vertucci type I canal pattern. This report reaffirms the importance of careful examination of the floor of the pulp chamber with a dental operating microscope and the use of multiangled preoperative radiographs along with advanced diagnostic aids such as CBCT in identification and successful management of aberrant canal morphologies.

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Endodontic treatment of a mandibular first molar with 8 canals: a case report
Ankit Arora, Shashi Rashmi Acharya, Padmaja Sharma
Restor Dent Endod 2015;40(1):75-78.   Published online October 13, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Presented here is a case where 8 canals were located in a mandibular first molar. A patient with continuing pain in mandibular left first molar even after completion of biomechanical preparation was referred by a dentist. Following basic laws of the pulp chamber floor anatomy, 8 canals were located in three steps with 4 canals in each root. In both of the roots, 4 separate canals commenced which joined into two canals and exited as two separate foramina. At 6 mon follow-up visit, the tooth was found to be asymptomatic and revealed normal radiographic periapical area. The case stresses on the fact that understanding the laws of pulp chamber anatomy and complying with them while attempting to locate additional canals can prevent missing canals.

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