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In-Soo Kim 1 Article
Microleakage of various composite resin systems
In-Soo Kim, Kyung-San Min, Dong-Hoon Shin
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2003;28(2):127-133.   Published online March 31, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The object of this study was to compare the microleakage between various composite resin systems of multistep, one-bottle, and self-etching systems using electrical conductivity.

After making class V cavities (4×3×1.5 mm around CEJ), they were bulk filled with three kinds of resins of A3. Teeth were storaged in a saline solution for one day, after then, they were finished and polished using Sof-Lex system. Another stress of thermocycling was made for 500 times from 5° to 55℃ with each dwelling time of 10 seconds. Electrical conductivity (microamphere, µA) was checked four times: before and after cavity preparation, after filling, after thermocycling.

One-way ANOVA and 95% Scheffe Post Hoc test was used for checking any statistical difference among groups. Another 95% Paired Samples T-test was also used for estimating any significant difference within group after cavity filling or thermocycling.

The results were as follows:

Every specimen showed various range of microleakage after filling.

There was, however, no difference between composite resin systems.

All composite resin systems showed marked increase in microleakage with a thermocycling (p<0.05), there was, however, no difference between composite resin systems.

Although there was no significant difference between groups (p=0.078), one-bottle and self-etching systems seemed to be unstable than multistep system.

Within the limits of this study, it was concluded that much more consideration should be needed when using thermally unstable one-bottle and self-etching systems that have multi-advantages from simplified step. More studies will be needed to solve these kinds of problems.

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