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Chang-Hyen Kim 2 Articles
A clinical evaluation of safety of an office bleaching gel containing 30% hydrogen peroxide
Sin-Young Kim, Je-Uk Park, Chang-Hyen Kim, Sung-Eun Yang
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2010;35(3):198-210.   Published online May 31, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

This study evaluated the safety of an office bleaching gel (RemeWhite, Remedent Inc., Deurle, Belgium) containing 30% hydrogen peroxide. 37 volunteers were recieved office bleaching with the RemeWhite for 3 times at one visit, total 2 visits. As control group, the same gel in which hydrogen peroxide was not included was applied to 34 volunteers with the same protocol.

There was no difference between experimental group and control group using electric pulp test. In the result of gingival inflammation index and tooth sensitivity test, there was mild pain response in experimental group but it disappeared as time went by. Therefore, safety of the office bleaching gel containing 30% hydrogen peroxide was confirmed.

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A clinical evaluation of efficacy of an office bleaching gel containing 30% hydrogen peroxide
Sin-Young Kim, Je-Uk Park, Chang-Hyen Kim, Sung-Eun Yang
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2010;35(1):40-50.   Published online January 31, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

This study evaluated the efficacy of an office bleaching gel (RemeWhite, Remedent Inc., Deurle, Belgium) containing 30% hydrogen peroxide. 31 volunteers were recieved office bleaching with the RemeWhite for 3 times at one visit, total 2 visits. As control group, the same gel in which hydrogen peroxide was not included was applied to 31 volunteers with the same protocol. The shade change (ΔE*, color difference) of 12 anterior teeth was measured using Colorimerter and Vitapan classical shade guide. The shade change of overall teeth in the experimental group was significantly greater than that in the control group which was measured using Colorimeter. There was also a significant difference between baseline and 14 weeks or 26 weeks though color rebounding phenomenon occurred as time went by. Small shade change difference can be measured accurately using Colorimeter than using Vitapan classical shade guide.

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