Current Issue Volume 49(4); November 2024
- Most cited articles
- Sample size determination for conducting a pilot study to assess reliability of a questionnaire14
- Effects of surrounding and underlying shades on the color adjustment potential of a single-shade composite used in a thin layer9
- Effect of medium or high concentrations of in-office dental bleaching gel on the human pulp response in the mandibular incisors7
- Push-out bond strength and intratubular biomineralization of a hydraulic root-end filling material premixed with dimethyl sulfoxide as a vehicle4
- Most read articles
- Sample size determination for conducting a pilot study to assess reliability of a questionnaire671
- Success rate of direct pulp capping on permanent teeth using bioactive materials: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials422
- Effects of different curing methods on the color stability of composite resins349
Influence of disinfecting solutions on the surface topography of gutta-percha cones: a systematic review of
in vitro studies333
- Ahead-of print articles
- Concentrated growth factor scaffold-based pulpotomy of permanent molars with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis
- An unusual case of dens invaginatus on a mandibular second molar: a case report
- Effect of quality of radiographs taken during root canal treatment on technical quality of root canal fillings and endodontic outcome
- Guided endodontics, precision and predictability: a case series of mineralized anterior teeth with follow-up cone-beam computed tomography