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The evaluation of color and color difference according to the layering placement of Incisal shade composites on the body composites of the indirect resin restoration
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Basic Research The evaluation of color and color difference according to the layering placement of Incisal shade composites on the body composites of the indirect resin restoration
Su-Jung Park, DDS, MSD1, Han-Young Lee, DDS, MSD, PhD1, Myong-Yun Nah, MD, PhD2, Hoon-Sang Chang, DDS, PhD3, Yun-Chan Hwang, DDS, MSD, PhD1,4, Won-Mann Oh, DDS, MSD, PhD1,4, In-Nam Hwang, DDS, MSD, PhD1,4,*
Journal of Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry 2011;36(1):37-49.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5395/JKACD.2011.36.1.37
Published online: January 14, 2011

1Dept. of Conservative Dentistry, Chonnam Natl. Univ. School of Dentistry, Gwangju

2Dept. of Internal Medicine, Chonnam Natinal University Hospital, Gwangju

3Wonkwang University Dental Hospital, Iksan

4DSRI, Chonnam Natl. Univ., Gwangju, Korea

*Correspondence to In-Nam Hwang, DDS, MSD, PhD., Associate Professor, Dept. of Conservative Dentistry, Chonnam Natl. Univ. School of Dentistry, Yongbong-ro 77, Buk-gu, Gwangju, Korea 500-757, TEL, +82-62-530-5819; FAX, +82-62-530-5629; E-mail: hinso@jnu.ac.kr
• Received: October 5, 2010   • Revised: October 27, 2010   • Accepted: November 2, 2010

Copyright © 2011 The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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  • Objectives:
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the surface color of indirect resin restoration according to the layering placement of different shade of incisal composite.
  • Materials and Methods:
    In this study, CIE L*a*b* value of 16 Body composite of Tescera ATL (Bisco, Schaumburg IL, USA) was measured by spectrophotometer (NF999, Nippon Denshuku, Japan), and compared to CIE L*a*b* value of Vitapan shade guide. Nine shade Incisal composite of Tescera ATL were buildup to 1 mm thickness on Body composites inlay block, and CIE L*a*b* value was measured. Incisal composite was ground to 0.5 mm thickness and CIE L*a*b* value was re-measured. Color difference between Body composite and Incisal composites layered on Body composite was calculated as a function of thickness.
  • Results:
    Color difference between corresponding shade of Tescera Body composite and Vitapan shade guide was from 6.88 to 12.80.
    L* and b*value was decreased as layering thickness of Incisal composite on Body composite was increased. But, a* value did not show specific change tendency.
  • Conclusions:
    Surface color difference between Body composites and Incisal composites layered on Body composite was increased as the layering thickness of Incisal composite increased (p < 0.05).
Table 1.
Shade of used body and incisal composites
Body shade Lot. No Incisal shade (Code) Lot. No.
A1 0500002113, 2007-09 Light yellow (ILY) 0500010731 2008-06
A2 0600000295, 2008-10 Super transparent (ST) 0400010117 2007-01
A3 0600001396, 2008-12 Clear (IC) 0500009034 2008-06
A3.5 0500005937, 2008-05 Neutral (IN) 0500002114 2007-11
A4 0500007206, 2008-06 Yellow (IY) 0500002637 2007-09
B1 0500002980, 2007-12 Blue (IB) 0400004112 2006-08
B2 0600000916, 2008-05 Frost (IF) 0500008146 2007-04
B3 0600000837, 2008-06 Pink (IP) 0300812350 2006-08
B4 0500009037, 2007-05 Gray (IG) 0500009632 2008-10
C1 0500008412, 2007-05    
C2 0500008413, 2007-05    
C3 0500008430, 2007-05    
C4 0500006360, 2007-05    
D2 0500008431, 2007-05    
D3 0500008432, 2007-05    
D4 0500008433, 2007-05    
Table 2.
CIE L*a*b* average values and standard deviation (S.D) of Vitapan classical shade guide
  L* S.D a* S.D b* S.D
A1 55.72 0.50 −1.50 0.17 5.91 0.56
A2 55.54 0.21 −0.91 0.10 8.51 0.30
A3 52.23 0.21 −0.45 0.04 10.31 0.49
A3.5 51.16 0.12 −0.01 0.06 13.57 0.06
A4 48.62 0.34 0.14 0.05 13.01 0.31
B1 53.46 0.21 −1.79 0.04 4.81 0.11
B2 56.01 0.21 −1.94 0.06 8.87 0.08
B3 51.48 0.05 −0.85 0.05 12.92 0.31
B4 52.35 0.28 −0.78 0.06 14.06 0.12
C1 51.63 0.42 −1.26 0.12 6.15 0.24
C2 49.97 0.21 −0.98 0.09 9.38 0.19
C3 48.56 0.30 −0.80 0.05 9.99 0.11
C4 46.29 0.03 0.25 0.02 12.07 0.04
D2 50.44 0.16 −1.22 0.02 5.34 0.20
D3 50.20 0.18 −0.68 0.05 8.12 0.10
D4 48.47 0.30 −1.58 0.02 10.64 0.50
Table 3.
CIE L*a*b* average values and standard deviation (S.D) of Tescera Body composites
  L* S.D a* S.D b* S.D
A1 64.55 0.47 −3.36 0.33 1.12 0.33
A2 63.88 0.38 −3.26 0.31 3.52 0.35
A3 61.94 0.32 −2.49 0.28 3.94 0.36
A3.5 58.31 0.33 −1.51 0.40 6.86 0.41
A4 54.30 0.42 −0.66 0.19 9.22 0.52
B1 65.84 0.44 −3.81 0.28 2.30 0.28
B2 64.01 0.61 −4.06 0.45 3.19 0.34
B3 60.36 0.50 −2.88 0.33 6.52 0.33
B4 58.04 0.59 −2.66 0.25 8.22 0.36
C1 60.25 0.36 −2.86 0.28 −0.02 0.23
C2 55.74 0.45 −2.09 0.26 4.08 0.20
C3 52.66 0.22 −1.37 0.23 3.93 0.25
C4 51.48 0.44 −0.64 0.18 5.04 0.45
D2 58.79 0.33 −2.04 0.24 1.41 0.34
D3 57.53 0.55 −1.57 0.33 3.29 0.50
D4 56.54 0.52 −1.80 0.40 4.69 0.47
Table 4.
Color difference (△E*) between vitapan shade guide and tescera body composite
Shade A1 A2 A3 A3.5 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3 C4 D2 D3 D4
△E* 10.22 10.00 11.79 9.92 6.88 12.80 10.04 11.13 8.36 10.73 7.92 7.34 8.78 9.27 8.83 10.03
Table 5.
CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the A1 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite
  Body + Inc 0.5 mm
Body + Inc 1.0 mm
ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
    L* a* b* L* a* b*
  ILY 63.69 −4.18 2.55 56.97 −3.45 −0.27 1.86 7.71
A1 Body ST 62.39 −4.20 1.78 55.82 −3.26 −0.30 2.41 8.85
  IC 63.10 −4.07 0.83 58.09 −2.02 −4.38 1.64 8.59
L*: 64.55 IN 62.23 −2.51 1.29 56.61 −1.62 −0.95 2.48 8.39
a*: -3.36 IY 65.18 −4.40 1.81 55.62 −3.03 4.29 1.4 9.49
b*: 1.12 IB 61.04 −3.60 −0.22 53.90 −3.06 −5.00 3.77 12.29
  IF 62.58 −3.92 1.10 58.97 −3.71 −0.56 2.05 5.84
  IP 64.39 −4.03 3.32 58.37 −1.95 1.32 2.31 6.34
  IG 62.80 −4.96 3.86 52.94 −3.18 1.99 3.62 11.65

△E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

Table 6.
CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the A2 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite
  Body + Inc 0.5 mm
Body + Inc 1.0 mm
ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
    L* a* b* L* a* b*
  ILY 61.22 −4.02 3.11 56.05 −3.25 0.90 2.80 8.26
A2 Body ST 61.63 −2.65 1.62 54.70 −1.66 −1.62 3.01 10.64
  IC 62.91 −3.48 0.54 57.28 −1.98 −3.86 3.14 9.98
L*: 63.88 IN 59.78 −2.71 1.99 55.88 −1.47 −0.86 4.41 9.29
a*: -3.26 IY 60.68 −4.18 6.01 56.33 −3.12 5.56 4.17 7.83
b*: 3.52 IB 58.89 −3.95 0.57 52.82 −3.19 −3.41 5.84 13.05
  IF IP 63.09 62.66 −3.68 -3.48 3.06 5.31 59.09 56.33 −2.89 -1.60 0.45 1.73 1.01 2.18 5.71 7.93
  IG 63.26 −4.46 6.10 55.57 −2.80 3.24 2.92 8.33

△E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

Table 7.
CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the A3 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite
  Body + Inc 0.5 mm
Body + Inc 1.0 mm
ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
    L* a* b* L* a* b*
  ILY 62.43 −3.10 3.77 55.53 −1.62 1.34 0.81 6.97
A3 Body ST 61.36 −3.15 1.74 56.13 −2.08 −2.20 2.36 8.45
  IC 62.84 −3.18 0.55 57.18 −2.05 −4.71 3.58 9.88
L*: 61.94 IN 59.87 −2.32 2.27 55.28 −0.70 −1.61 2.66 8.84
a*: -2.49 IY 61.46 −3.59 6.05 54.71 −2.41 3.65 2.43 7.23
b*: 3.94 IB 58.82 −3.16 −0.20 53.58 −2.85 −3.62 5.22 11.27
  IF 61.00 −2.22 2.09 56.97 −2.59 −0.89 2.09 6.92
  IP 60.08 −2.49 4.44 55.55 −1.29 1.60 1.92 6.91
  IG 61.26 −4.25 5.67 54.15 −2.62 1.87 2.57 8.05

△E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

Table 8.
CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the A3.5 body composite, and color difference between bBody composite and incisal composite
  Body + Inc 0.5 mm
Body + Inc 1.0 mm
ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
    L* a* b* L* a* b*
  ILY 58.63 −1.56 4.36 53.35 −1.83 0.24 2.53 8.28
A3.5 Body ST 58.80 −2.51 3.54 54.08 −1.69 −0.48 3.50 8.49
  IC 58.96 −2.20 0.29 55.13 −0.82 −5.65 6.64 12.93
L*: 58.31 IN 58.38 −2.11 3.08 53.21 −0.42 −2.36 3.83 10.60
a*: -1.51 IY 59.57 −3.14 6.12 52.25 −1046 3.26 2.20 7.05
b*: 6.86 IB 56.76 −2.74 1.71 49.60 −1.23 −5.16 5.52 14.85
  IF 60.05 −2.82 2.15 56.89 −2.53 −1.36 5.19 8.41
  IP 57.77 −1.30 4.49 54.82 −0.83 0.74 2.45 7.08
  IG 58.74 −2.96 6.74 52.70 −1.76 1.37 1.52 7.86

△E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

Table 9.
CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the A4 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite
  Body + Inc 0.5 mm
Body + Inc 1.0 mm
ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
    L* a* b* L* a* b*
  ILY 55.41 −1.69 2.75 51.46 −1.18 −1.35 6.65 10.95
A4 Body ST 56.13 −1.16 1.13 51.74 −0.73 −3.51 8.31 12.99
  IC 55.01 −1.37 4.73 51.77 −1.61 −0.23 4.60 9.82
L*: 54.30 IN 55.05 −0.41 2.86 51.43 0.16 −1.17 6.41 10.81
a*: -0.66 IY 55.79 −1.56 2.37 53.44 −1.14 −2.98 7.06 12.24
b*: 9.22 IB 53.29 −1.57 0.54 48.87 −1.24 −5.98 8.78 16.15
  IF 53.77 −1.12 3.94 48.26 −1.19 0.68 5.32 10.47
  IP 54.16 −0.37 4.57 50.53 1.55 −3.81 4.66 13.75
  IG 56.19 −0.62 1.00 54.21 −0.26 −7.28 8.43 16.50

△E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

Table 10.
CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the B1 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite
  Body + Inc 0.5 mm
Body + Inc 1.0 mm
ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
    L* a* b* L* a* b*
  ILY 65.50 −5.21 3.16 58.01 −3.78 2.12 1.68 7.83
B1 Body ST 64.82 −4.20 2.27 57.27 −3.85 −0.55 1.09 9.03
  IC 65.38 −4.32 0.26 58.12 −3.05 −4.43 2.16 10.27
L*: 65.84 IN 63.16 −3.48 2.66 55.72 −1.73 −1.34 2.72 10.95
a*: -3.81 IY 61.32 −3.94 3.63 55.33 −3.95 4.54 4.72 10.75
b*: 2.30 IB 62.91 −4.55 0.10 54.45 −2.84 −5.12 3.74 13.63
  IF 65.27 −4.97 5.05 58.39 −3.41 0.01 3.04 7.80
  IP 62.40 −3.30 3.39 54.39 −1.31 0.61 3.65 11.84
  IG 66.09 −4.30 4.91 56.25 −3.24 3.59 2.67 9.70

△E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

Table 11.
CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the B2 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite
  Body + Inc 0.5 mm
Body + Inc 1.0 mm
ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
    L* a* b* L* a* b*
  ILY 61.80 −4.68 3.32 55.21 −3.19 0.68 2.30 9.19
B2 Body ST 61.55 −4.93 3.31 58.00 −3.92 −0.49 2.61 7.04
  IC 63.13 −4.98 1.43 58.66 −3.02 −4.33 2.16 9.28
L*: 64.01 IN 61.22 −3.47 1.78 55.37 −2.12 −0.87 3.18 9.74
a*: -4.06 IY 60.29 −4.35 6.69 55.06 −3.19 3.86 5.11 9.02
b*: 3.19 IB 59.77 −4.62 0.07 52.12 −3.34 −4.94 5.29 14.41
  IF 62.12 −4.30 3.07 58.84 −3.27 −0.26 1.90 6.26
  IP 60.37 −3.74 3.87 55.42 −2.21 0.75 3.72 9.12
  IG 59.57 −3.86 5.22 54.69 −3.13 2.66 4.89 9.37

△E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

Table 12.
CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the B3 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite
  Body + Inc 0.5 mm
Body + Inc 1.0 mm
ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
    L* a* b* L* a* b*
  ILY 57.95 −2.88 2.70 55.01 −2.91 0.56 4.52 8.01
B3 Body ST 59.89 −3.57 3.50 54.14 −2.28 −1.57 3.13 10.23
  IC 59.76 −1.78 −0.01 56.04 −1.66 −4.85 6.65 12.23
L*: 60.36 IN 58.61 −2.11 3.39 52.96 −0.35 −2.63 3.67 12.04
a*: -2.88 IY 59.08 −3.50 7.52 52.67 −2.50 3.82 1.74 8.17
b*: 6.52 IB 57.44 −3.74 1.64 51.32 −2.76 −6.13 5.76 15.56
  IF 61.05 −2.10 2.76 58.20 −2.54 −0.46 3.91 7.32
  IP 60.38 −2.48 3.62 54.23 −2.14 1.53 2.93 7.94
  IG 59.00 −3.40 5.58 53.37 −2.63 3.42 1.74 7.66

△E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

Table 13.
CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the B4 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite
  Body + Inc 0.5 mm
Body + Inc 1.0 mm
ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
    L* a* b* L* a* b*
  ILY 58.29 −3.10 3.17 53.19 −2.35 0.38 5.07 9.23
B4 Body ST 58.73 −2.60 4.05 51.75 −0.88 −2.73 4.23 12.75
  IC 59.66 −3.32 1.55 55.37 −1.76 −5.34 6.90 13.85
L*: 58.04 IN 57.90 −2.88 5.89 52.96 −1.03 −1.76 2.34 11.31
a*: -2.66 IY 57.48 −2.78 7.78 52.74 −2.10 3.64 0.72 7.03
b*: 8.22 IB 56.84 −2.84 −0.46 50.15 −2.39 −5.83 8.77 16.12
  IF 59.67 −2.72 0.83 56.06 −2.09 −1.95 7.57 10.38
  IP 58.07 −2.65 5.52 51.26 −0.74 −0.12 2.71 10.92
  IG 57.12 −3.18 5.54 52.43 −2.23 1.36 2.88 8.87

△E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

Table 14.
CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the C1 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite
  Body + Inc 0.5 mm
Body + Inc 1.0 mm
ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
    L* a* b* L* a* b*
  ILY 59.19 −3.47 −0.11 53.72 −1.05 −1.82 1.22 7.02
C1 Body ST 59.37 −3.51 −1.84 53.99 −2.44 −4.32 2.12 7.61
  IC 60.23 −3.14 −3.85 56.03 −1.99 −7.93 3.84 9.01
L*: 60.25 IN 56.20 −1.57 −1.98 53.96 −1.41 −2.95 4.68 7.09
a*: -2.86 IY 57.39 −3.78 3.02 53.67 −2.74 2.09 4.28 6.91
b*: -0.02 IB 57.81 −3.69 −1.34 51.39 −2.73 −6.08 2.89 10.74
  IF 59.74 −4.01 0.10 58.57 −3.14 −1.64 1.26 2.35
  IP 57.68 −2.90 0.86 52.22 −1.85 −0.86 2.73 8.14
  IG 57.90 −3.80 2.62 53.60 −2.74 0.78 3.66 6.71

△E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

Table 15.
CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the C2 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite
  Body + Inc 0.5 mm
Body + Inc 1.0 mm
ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
    L* a* b* L* a* b*
  ILY 56.21 −2.99 0.74 53.21 −2.38 −1.71 3.49 6.33
C2 Body ST 53.76 −1.74 −1.00 54.66 −2.24 −3.94 5.46 8.10
  IC 58.16 −2.39 −0.96 54.64 −1.03 −7.59 5.59 11.77
L*: 55.74 IN 54.97 −1.51 −0.74 52.55 −0.97 −3.57 4.91 8.36
a*: -2.09 IY 53.77 −2.86 3.50 50.98 −1.95 1.10 2.20 5.62
b*: 4.08 IB 52.68 −2.62 −1.42 50.33 −2.08 −5.98 6.31 11.42
  IF 56.40 −2.46 −0.43 56.05 −2.55 −3.93 4.57 8.02
  IP 54.50 −1.83 1.23 52.51 −1.49 −1.11 3.12 6.14
  IG 54.47 −2.84 3.67 53.42 −2.58 1.25 1.54 3.69

△E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

Table 16.
CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the C3 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite
  Body + Inc 0.5 mm
Body + Inc 1.0 mm
ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
    L* a* b* L* a* b*
  ILY 53.45 −2.17 −1.24 52.60 −2.81 −3.28 5.29 7.35
C3 Body ST 55.03 −1.31 0.31 52.34 −2.18 −5.35 4.33 9.32
  IC 53.14 −1.62 −3.97 53.43 −1.80 −8.27 7.92 12.23
L*: 52.66 IN 54.25 −0.21 −1.19 50.62 −0.94 −4.72 5.48 8.90
a*: -1.37 IY 52.80 −2.09 0.99 50.85 −2.58 −0.60 3.03 5.03
b*: 3.93 IB 51.23 −2.19 −3.18 48.90 −1.53 −7.65 7.29 12.18
  IF 55.31 −2.88 −1.53 55.63 −3.19 −3.85 6.25 8.52
  IP 54.30 −0.93 −0.37 51.53 −0.87 −3.75 4.62 7.78
  IG 52.50 −2.62 2.57 51.16 −1.72 −0.83 1.85 5.00

△E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

Table 17.
CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the C4 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite
  Body + Inc 0.5 mm
Body + Inc 1.0 mm
ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
    L* a* b* L* a* b*
  ILY 52.03 −1.27 −0.37 53.01 −1.97 −2.86 5.47 8.15
C4 Body ST 52.86 −1.28 1.29 51.56 −1.47 −4.24 4.04 9.31
  IC 53.15 −0.68 −4.05 54.19 −1.75 −7.52 9.24 12.90
L*: 51.48 IN 52.09 −1.22 −0.96 51.14 −0.91 −4.53 6.05 9.58
a*: -0.64 IY 51.41 −1.69 2.55 51.37 −1.68 −1.03 2.70 6.15
b*: 5.04 IB 51.32 −1.20 −1.24 51.40 −1.64 −6.42 6.31 11.50
  IF 54.16 −1.40 −1.35 55.33 −2.18 −4.95 6.97 10.81
  IP 51.42 −0.26 1.00 51.64 −0.63 −2.10 4.06 7.13
  IG 51.34 −1.49 3.86 51.81 −1.69 −1.78 1.46 6.90

△E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

Table 18.
CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the D2 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite
  Body + Inc 0.5 mm
Body + Inc 1.0 mm
ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
    L* a* b* L* a* b*
  ILY 57.52 −2.71 1.61 55.37 −1.58 −2.02 1.44 4.87
D2 Body ST 58.16 −2.77 −1.07 55.22 −2.23 −3.54 2.65 6.10
  IC 59.60 −2.29 −2.68 57.32 −2.30 −6.53 4.18 8.08
L*: 58.79 IN 56.54 −1.37 −0.69 54.82 −0.95 −3.47 3.15 6.38
a*: -2.04 IY 57.83 −3.06 3.84 53.85 −2.69 2.21 2.81 5.05
b*: 1.41 IB 56.66 −2.83 −2.28 52.45 −2.56 −6.82 4.33 10.39
  IF 57.89 −3.01 0.08 58.30 −3.26 −2.26 1.87 3.89
  IP 57.36 −2.22 −0.37 54.62 −1.98 −1.53 2.28 5.10
  IG 57.47 −2.67 2.61 55.12 −1.27 0.26 1.89 3.92

△E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

Table 19.
CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the D3 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite
  Body + Inc 0.5 mm
Body + Inc 1.0 mm
ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
    L* a* b* L* a* b*
  ILY 57.90 −3.49 2.94 54.54 −3.45 −1.28 1.98 5.78
D3 Body ST 57.27 −2.20 1.48 54.53 −2.11 −3.35 1.93 7.31
  IC 57.70 −2.36 −2.47 56.89 −1.95 −6.42 5.82 9.74
L*: 57.53 IN 56.54 −2.38 1.06 54.33 −0.24 −4.18 2.57 8.24
a*: -1.57 IY 55.31 −3.45 5.24 54.10 −2.42 1.73 3.50 3.86
b*: 3.29 IB 56.28 −3.12 −0.45 53.79 −2.76 −6.10 4.24 10.18
  IF 58.72 −2.45 0.43 58.50 −2.79 −2.34 3.22 5.84
  IP 57.48 −2.50 2.35 52.41 −0.86 −1.74 1.32 7.21
  IG 56.38 −3.22 3.35 55.35 −2.99 0.78 2.01 3.62

△E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

Table 20.
CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the D4 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite
  Body + Inc 0.5 mm
Body + Inc 1.0 mm
ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
    L* a* b* L* a* b*
  ILY 59.86 −3.49 1.33 55.99 −2.83 −1.44 5.02 6.24
D4 Body ST 57.92 −2.33 0.12 54.77 −2.31 −3.58 4.80 8.47
  IC 58.91 −1.30 −0.82 57.65 −1.52 −6.97 6.02 11.71
L*: 56.54 IN 57.89 −2.13 0.41 53.03 −0.64 −3.14 4.49 8.65
a*: -1.80 IY 56.89 −2.50 3.79 53.27 −2.10 1.44 1.19 4.61
b*: 4.69 IB 55.78 −2.26 −0.71 52.24 −1.82 −6.42 5.46 11.91
  IF 59.23 −3.19 −0.22 56.52 −3.12 −2.44 5.77 7.24
  IP 57.68 −1.79 1.42 55.05 −1.27 −1.76 3.46 6.64
  IG 57.77 −2.55 4.10 55.19 −1.77 1.62 1.56 3.35

△E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

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        The evaluation of color and color difference according to the layering placement of Incisal shade composites on the body composites of the indirect resin restoration
        J Korean Acad Conserv Dent. 2011;36(1):37-49.   Published online January 14, 2011
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      The evaluation of color and color difference according to the layering placement of Incisal shade composites on the body composites of the indirect resin restoration
      The evaluation of color and color difference according to the layering placement of Incisal shade composites on the body composites of the indirect resin restoration
      Body shade Lot. No Incisal shade (Code) Lot. No.
      A1 0500002113, 2007-09 Light yellow (ILY) 0500010731 2008-06
      A2 0600000295, 2008-10 Super transparent (ST) 0400010117 2007-01
      A3 0600001396, 2008-12 Clear (IC) 0500009034 2008-06
      A3.5 0500005937, 2008-05 Neutral (IN) 0500002114 2007-11
      A4 0500007206, 2008-06 Yellow (IY) 0500002637 2007-09
      B1 0500002980, 2007-12 Blue (IB) 0400004112 2006-08
      B2 0600000916, 2008-05 Frost (IF) 0500008146 2007-04
      B3 0600000837, 2008-06 Pink (IP) 0300812350 2006-08
      B4 0500009037, 2007-05 Gray (IG) 0500009632 2008-10
      C1 0500008412, 2007-05    
      C2 0500008413, 2007-05    
      C3 0500008430, 2007-05    
      C4 0500006360, 2007-05    
      D2 0500008431, 2007-05    
      D3 0500008432, 2007-05    
      D4 0500008433, 2007-05    
        L* S.D a* S.D b* S.D
      A1 55.72 0.50 −1.50 0.17 5.91 0.56
      A2 55.54 0.21 −0.91 0.10 8.51 0.30
      A3 52.23 0.21 −0.45 0.04 10.31 0.49
      A3.5 51.16 0.12 −0.01 0.06 13.57 0.06
      A4 48.62 0.34 0.14 0.05 13.01 0.31
      B1 53.46 0.21 −1.79 0.04 4.81 0.11
      B2 56.01 0.21 −1.94 0.06 8.87 0.08
      B3 51.48 0.05 −0.85 0.05 12.92 0.31
      B4 52.35 0.28 −0.78 0.06 14.06 0.12
      C1 51.63 0.42 −1.26 0.12 6.15 0.24
      C2 49.97 0.21 −0.98 0.09 9.38 0.19
      C3 48.56 0.30 −0.80 0.05 9.99 0.11
      C4 46.29 0.03 0.25 0.02 12.07 0.04
      D2 50.44 0.16 −1.22 0.02 5.34 0.20
      D3 50.20 0.18 −0.68 0.05 8.12 0.10
      D4 48.47 0.30 −1.58 0.02 10.64 0.50
        L* S.D a* S.D b* S.D
      A1 64.55 0.47 −3.36 0.33 1.12 0.33
      A2 63.88 0.38 −3.26 0.31 3.52 0.35
      A3 61.94 0.32 −2.49 0.28 3.94 0.36
      A3.5 58.31 0.33 −1.51 0.40 6.86 0.41
      A4 54.30 0.42 −0.66 0.19 9.22 0.52
      B1 65.84 0.44 −3.81 0.28 2.30 0.28
      B2 64.01 0.61 −4.06 0.45 3.19 0.34
      B3 60.36 0.50 −2.88 0.33 6.52 0.33
      B4 58.04 0.59 −2.66 0.25 8.22 0.36
      C1 60.25 0.36 −2.86 0.28 −0.02 0.23
      C2 55.74 0.45 −2.09 0.26 4.08 0.20
      C3 52.66 0.22 −1.37 0.23 3.93 0.25
      C4 51.48 0.44 −0.64 0.18 5.04 0.45
      D2 58.79 0.33 −2.04 0.24 1.41 0.34
      D3 57.53 0.55 −1.57 0.33 3.29 0.50
      D4 56.54 0.52 −1.80 0.40 4.69 0.47
      Shade A1 A2 A3 A3.5 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3 C4 D2 D3 D4
      △E* 10.22 10.00 11.79 9.92 6.88 12.80 10.04 11.13 8.36 10.73 7.92 7.34 8.78 9.27 8.83 10.03
        Body + Inc 0.5 mm
      Body + Inc 1.0 mm
      ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
          L* a* b* L* a* b*
        ILY 63.69 −4.18 2.55 56.97 −3.45 −0.27 1.86 7.71
      A1 Body ST 62.39 −4.20 1.78 55.82 −3.26 −0.30 2.41 8.85
        IC 63.10 −4.07 0.83 58.09 −2.02 −4.38 1.64 8.59
      L*: 64.55 IN 62.23 −2.51 1.29 56.61 −1.62 −0.95 2.48 8.39
      a*: -3.36 IY 65.18 −4.40 1.81 55.62 −3.03 4.29 1.4 9.49
      b*: 1.12 IB 61.04 −3.60 −0.22 53.90 −3.06 −5.00 3.77 12.29
        IF 62.58 −3.92 1.10 58.97 −3.71 −0.56 2.05 5.84
        IP 64.39 −4.03 3.32 58.37 −1.95 1.32 2.31 6.34
        IG 62.80 −4.96 3.86 52.94 −3.18 1.99 3.62 11.65
        Body + Inc 0.5 mm
      Body + Inc 1.0 mm
      ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
          L* a* b* L* a* b*
        ILY 61.22 −4.02 3.11 56.05 −3.25 0.90 2.80 8.26
      A2 Body ST 61.63 −2.65 1.62 54.70 −1.66 −1.62 3.01 10.64
        IC 62.91 −3.48 0.54 57.28 −1.98 −3.86 3.14 9.98
      L*: 63.88 IN 59.78 −2.71 1.99 55.88 −1.47 −0.86 4.41 9.29
      a*: -3.26 IY 60.68 −4.18 6.01 56.33 −3.12 5.56 4.17 7.83
      b*: 3.52 IB 58.89 −3.95 0.57 52.82 −3.19 −3.41 5.84 13.05
        IF IP 63.09 62.66 −3.68 -3.48 3.06 5.31 59.09 56.33 −2.89 -1.60 0.45 1.73 1.01 2.18 5.71 7.93
        IG 63.26 −4.46 6.10 55.57 −2.80 3.24 2.92 8.33
        Body + Inc 0.5 mm
      Body + Inc 1.0 mm
      ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
          L* a* b* L* a* b*
        ILY 62.43 −3.10 3.77 55.53 −1.62 1.34 0.81 6.97
      A3 Body ST 61.36 −3.15 1.74 56.13 −2.08 −2.20 2.36 8.45
        IC 62.84 −3.18 0.55 57.18 −2.05 −4.71 3.58 9.88
      L*: 61.94 IN 59.87 −2.32 2.27 55.28 −0.70 −1.61 2.66 8.84
      a*: -2.49 IY 61.46 −3.59 6.05 54.71 −2.41 3.65 2.43 7.23
      b*: 3.94 IB 58.82 −3.16 −0.20 53.58 −2.85 −3.62 5.22 11.27
        IF 61.00 −2.22 2.09 56.97 −2.59 −0.89 2.09 6.92
        IP 60.08 −2.49 4.44 55.55 −1.29 1.60 1.92 6.91
        IG 61.26 −4.25 5.67 54.15 −2.62 1.87 2.57 8.05
        Body + Inc 0.5 mm
      Body + Inc 1.0 mm
      ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
          L* a* b* L* a* b*
        ILY 58.63 −1.56 4.36 53.35 −1.83 0.24 2.53 8.28
      A3.5 Body ST 58.80 −2.51 3.54 54.08 −1.69 −0.48 3.50 8.49
        IC 58.96 −2.20 0.29 55.13 −0.82 −5.65 6.64 12.93
      L*: 58.31 IN 58.38 −2.11 3.08 53.21 −0.42 −2.36 3.83 10.60
      a*: -1.51 IY 59.57 −3.14 6.12 52.25 −1046 3.26 2.20 7.05
      b*: 6.86 IB 56.76 −2.74 1.71 49.60 −1.23 −5.16 5.52 14.85
        IF 60.05 −2.82 2.15 56.89 −2.53 −1.36 5.19 8.41
        IP 57.77 −1.30 4.49 54.82 −0.83 0.74 2.45 7.08
        IG 58.74 −2.96 6.74 52.70 −1.76 1.37 1.52 7.86
        Body + Inc 0.5 mm
      Body + Inc 1.0 mm
      ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
          L* a* b* L* a* b*
        ILY 55.41 −1.69 2.75 51.46 −1.18 −1.35 6.65 10.95
      A4 Body ST 56.13 −1.16 1.13 51.74 −0.73 −3.51 8.31 12.99
        IC 55.01 −1.37 4.73 51.77 −1.61 −0.23 4.60 9.82
      L*: 54.30 IN 55.05 −0.41 2.86 51.43 0.16 −1.17 6.41 10.81
      a*: -0.66 IY 55.79 −1.56 2.37 53.44 −1.14 −2.98 7.06 12.24
      b*: 9.22 IB 53.29 −1.57 0.54 48.87 −1.24 −5.98 8.78 16.15
        IF 53.77 −1.12 3.94 48.26 −1.19 0.68 5.32 10.47
        IP 54.16 −0.37 4.57 50.53 1.55 −3.81 4.66 13.75
        IG 56.19 −0.62 1.00 54.21 −0.26 −7.28 8.43 16.50
        Body + Inc 0.5 mm
      Body + Inc 1.0 mm
      ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
          L* a* b* L* a* b*
        ILY 65.50 −5.21 3.16 58.01 −3.78 2.12 1.68 7.83
      B1 Body ST 64.82 −4.20 2.27 57.27 −3.85 −0.55 1.09 9.03
        IC 65.38 −4.32 0.26 58.12 −3.05 −4.43 2.16 10.27
      L*: 65.84 IN 63.16 −3.48 2.66 55.72 −1.73 −1.34 2.72 10.95
      a*: -3.81 IY 61.32 −3.94 3.63 55.33 −3.95 4.54 4.72 10.75
      b*: 2.30 IB 62.91 −4.55 0.10 54.45 −2.84 −5.12 3.74 13.63
        IF 65.27 −4.97 5.05 58.39 −3.41 0.01 3.04 7.80
        IP 62.40 −3.30 3.39 54.39 −1.31 0.61 3.65 11.84
        IG 66.09 −4.30 4.91 56.25 −3.24 3.59 2.67 9.70
        Body + Inc 0.5 mm
      Body + Inc 1.0 mm
      ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
          L* a* b* L* a* b*
        ILY 61.80 −4.68 3.32 55.21 −3.19 0.68 2.30 9.19
      B2 Body ST 61.55 −4.93 3.31 58.00 −3.92 −0.49 2.61 7.04
        IC 63.13 −4.98 1.43 58.66 −3.02 −4.33 2.16 9.28
      L*: 64.01 IN 61.22 −3.47 1.78 55.37 −2.12 −0.87 3.18 9.74
      a*: -4.06 IY 60.29 −4.35 6.69 55.06 −3.19 3.86 5.11 9.02
      b*: 3.19 IB 59.77 −4.62 0.07 52.12 −3.34 −4.94 5.29 14.41
        IF 62.12 −4.30 3.07 58.84 −3.27 −0.26 1.90 6.26
        IP 60.37 −3.74 3.87 55.42 −2.21 0.75 3.72 9.12
        IG 59.57 −3.86 5.22 54.69 −3.13 2.66 4.89 9.37
        Body + Inc 0.5 mm
      Body + Inc 1.0 mm
      ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
          L* a* b* L* a* b*
        ILY 57.95 −2.88 2.70 55.01 −2.91 0.56 4.52 8.01
      B3 Body ST 59.89 −3.57 3.50 54.14 −2.28 −1.57 3.13 10.23
        IC 59.76 −1.78 −0.01 56.04 −1.66 −4.85 6.65 12.23
      L*: 60.36 IN 58.61 −2.11 3.39 52.96 −0.35 −2.63 3.67 12.04
      a*: -2.88 IY 59.08 −3.50 7.52 52.67 −2.50 3.82 1.74 8.17
      b*: 6.52 IB 57.44 −3.74 1.64 51.32 −2.76 −6.13 5.76 15.56
        IF 61.05 −2.10 2.76 58.20 −2.54 −0.46 3.91 7.32
        IP 60.38 −2.48 3.62 54.23 −2.14 1.53 2.93 7.94
        IG 59.00 −3.40 5.58 53.37 −2.63 3.42 1.74 7.66
        Body + Inc 0.5 mm
      Body + Inc 1.0 mm
      ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
          L* a* b* L* a* b*
        ILY 58.29 −3.10 3.17 53.19 −2.35 0.38 5.07 9.23
      B4 Body ST 58.73 −2.60 4.05 51.75 −0.88 −2.73 4.23 12.75
        IC 59.66 −3.32 1.55 55.37 −1.76 −5.34 6.90 13.85
      L*: 58.04 IN 57.90 −2.88 5.89 52.96 −1.03 −1.76 2.34 11.31
      a*: -2.66 IY 57.48 −2.78 7.78 52.74 −2.10 3.64 0.72 7.03
      b*: 8.22 IB 56.84 −2.84 −0.46 50.15 −2.39 −5.83 8.77 16.12
        IF 59.67 −2.72 0.83 56.06 −2.09 −1.95 7.57 10.38
        IP 58.07 −2.65 5.52 51.26 −0.74 −0.12 2.71 10.92
        IG 57.12 −3.18 5.54 52.43 −2.23 1.36 2.88 8.87
        Body + Inc 0.5 mm
      Body + Inc 1.0 mm
      ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
          L* a* b* L* a* b*
        ILY 59.19 −3.47 −0.11 53.72 −1.05 −1.82 1.22 7.02
      C1 Body ST 59.37 −3.51 −1.84 53.99 −2.44 −4.32 2.12 7.61
        IC 60.23 −3.14 −3.85 56.03 −1.99 −7.93 3.84 9.01
      L*: 60.25 IN 56.20 −1.57 −1.98 53.96 −1.41 −2.95 4.68 7.09
      a*: -2.86 IY 57.39 −3.78 3.02 53.67 −2.74 2.09 4.28 6.91
      b*: -0.02 IB 57.81 −3.69 −1.34 51.39 −2.73 −6.08 2.89 10.74
        IF 59.74 −4.01 0.10 58.57 −3.14 −1.64 1.26 2.35
        IP 57.68 −2.90 0.86 52.22 −1.85 −0.86 2.73 8.14
        IG 57.90 −3.80 2.62 53.60 −2.74 0.78 3.66 6.71
        Body + Inc 0.5 mm
      Body + Inc 1.0 mm
      ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
          L* a* b* L* a* b*
        ILY 56.21 −2.99 0.74 53.21 −2.38 −1.71 3.49 6.33
      C2 Body ST 53.76 −1.74 −1.00 54.66 −2.24 −3.94 5.46 8.10
        IC 58.16 −2.39 −0.96 54.64 −1.03 −7.59 5.59 11.77
      L*: 55.74 IN 54.97 −1.51 −0.74 52.55 −0.97 −3.57 4.91 8.36
      a*: -2.09 IY 53.77 −2.86 3.50 50.98 −1.95 1.10 2.20 5.62
      b*: 4.08 IB 52.68 −2.62 −1.42 50.33 −2.08 −5.98 6.31 11.42
        IF 56.40 −2.46 −0.43 56.05 −2.55 −3.93 4.57 8.02
        IP 54.50 −1.83 1.23 52.51 −1.49 −1.11 3.12 6.14
        IG 54.47 −2.84 3.67 53.42 −2.58 1.25 1.54 3.69
        Body + Inc 0.5 mm
      Body + Inc 1.0 mm
      ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
          L* a* b* L* a* b*
        ILY 53.45 −2.17 −1.24 52.60 −2.81 −3.28 5.29 7.35
      C3 Body ST 55.03 −1.31 0.31 52.34 −2.18 −5.35 4.33 9.32
        IC 53.14 −1.62 −3.97 53.43 −1.80 −8.27 7.92 12.23
      L*: 52.66 IN 54.25 −0.21 −1.19 50.62 −0.94 −4.72 5.48 8.90
      a*: -1.37 IY 52.80 −2.09 0.99 50.85 −2.58 −0.60 3.03 5.03
      b*: 3.93 IB 51.23 −2.19 −3.18 48.90 −1.53 −7.65 7.29 12.18
        IF 55.31 −2.88 −1.53 55.63 −3.19 −3.85 6.25 8.52
        IP 54.30 −0.93 −0.37 51.53 −0.87 −3.75 4.62 7.78
        IG 52.50 −2.62 2.57 51.16 −1.72 −0.83 1.85 5.00
        Body + Inc 0.5 mm
      Body + Inc 1.0 mm
      ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
          L* a* b* L* a* b*
        ILY 52.03 −1.27 −0.37 53.01 −1.97 −2.86 5.47 8.15
      C4 Body ST 52.86 −1.28 1.29 51.56 −1.47 −4.24 4.04 9.31
        IC 53.15 −0.68 −4.05 54.19 −1.75 −7.52 9.24 12.90
      L*: 51.48 IN 52.09 −1.22 −0.96 51.14 −0.91 −4.53 6.05 9.58
      a*: -0.64 IY 51.41 −1.69 2.55 51.37 −1.68 −1.03 2.70 6.15
      b*: 5.04 IB 51.32 −1.20 −1.24 51.40 −1.64 −6.42 6.31 11.50
        IF 54.16 −1.40 −1.35 55.33 −2.18 −4.95 6.97 10.81
        IP 51.42 −0.26 1.00 51.64 −0.63 −2.10 4.06 7.13
        IG 51.34 −1.49 3.86 51.81 −1.69 −1.78 1.46 6.90
        Body + Inc 0.5 mm
      Body + Inc 1.0 mm
      ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
          L* a* b* L* a* b*
        ILY 57.52 −2.71 1.61 55.37 −1.58 −2.02 1.44 4.87
      D2 Body ST 58.16 −2.77 −1.07 55.22 −2.23 −3.54 2.65 6.10
        IC 59.60 −2.29 −2.68 57.32 −2.30 −6.53 4.18 8.08
      L*: 58.79 IN 56.54 −1.37 −0.69 54.82 −0.95 −3.47 3.15 6.38
      a*: -2.04 IY 57.83 −3.06 3.84 53.85 −2.69 2.21 2.81 5.05
      b*: 1.41 IB 56.66 −2.83 −2.28 52.45 −2.56 −6.82 4.33 10.39
        IF 57.89 −3.01 0.08 58.30 −3.26 −2.26 1.87 3.89
        IP 57.36 −2.22 −0.37 54.62 −1.98 −1.53 2.28 5.10
        IG 57.47 −2.67 2.61 55.12 −1.27 0.26 1.89 3.92
        Body + Inc 0.5 mm
      Body + Inc 1.0 mm
      ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
          L* a* b* L* a* b*
        ILY 57.90 −3.49 2.94 54.54 −3.45 −1.28 1.98 5.78
      D3 Body ST 57.27 −2.20 1.48 54.53 −2.11 −3.35 1.93 7.31
        IC 57.70 −2.36 −2.47 56.89 −1.95 −6.42 5.82 9.74
      L*: 57.53 IN 56.54 −2.38 1.06 54.33 −0.24 −4.18 2.57 8.24
      a*: -1.57 IY 55.31 −3.45 5.24 54.10 −2.42 1.73 3.50 3.86
      b*: 3.29 IB 56.28 −3.12 −0.45 53.79 −2.76 −6.10 4.24 10.18
        IF 58.72 −2.45 0.43 58.50 −2.79 −2.34 3.22 5.84
        IP 57.48 −2.50 2.35 52.41 −0.86 −1.74 1.32 7.21
        IG 56.38 −3.22 3.35 55.35 −2.99 0.78 2.01 3.62
        Body + Inc 0.5 mm
      Body + Inc 1.0 mm
      ΔE* 0.5 ΔE* 1.0
          L* a* b* L* a* b*
        ILY 59.86 −3.49 1.33 55.99 −2.83 −1.44 5.02 6.24
      D4 Body ST 57.92 −2.33 0.12 54.77 −2.31 −3.58 4.80 8.47
        IC 58.91 −1.30 −0.82 57.65 −1.52 −6.97 6.02 11.71
      L*: 56.54 IN 57.89 −2.13 0.41 53.03 −0.64 −3.14 4.49 8.65
      a*: -1.80 IY 56.89 −2.50 3.79 53.27 −2.10 1.44 1.19 4.61
      b*: 4.69 IB 55.78 −2.26 −0.71 52.24 −1.82 −6.42 5.46 11.91
        IF 59.23 −3.19 −0.22 56.52 −3.12 −2.44 5.77 7.24
        IP 57.68 −1.79 1.42 55.05 −1.27 −1.76 3.46 6.64
        IG 57.77 −2.55 4.10 55.19 −1.77 1.62 1.56 3.35
      Table 1. Shade of used body and incisal composites

      Table 2. CIE L*a*b* average values and standard deviation (S.D) of Vitapan classical shade guide

      Table 3. CIE L*a*b* average values and standard deviation (S.D) of Tescera Body composites

      Table 4. Color difference (△E*) between vitapan shade guide and tescera body composite

      Table 5. CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the A1 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite

      △E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

      Table 6. CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the A2 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite

      △E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

      Table 7. CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the A3 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite

      △E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

      Table 8. CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the A3.5 body composite, and color difference between bBody composite and incisal composite

      △E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

      Table 9. CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the A4 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite

      △E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

      Table 10. CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the B1 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite

      △E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

      Table 11. CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the B2 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite

      △E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

      Table 12. CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the B3 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite

      △E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

      Table 13. CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the B4 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite

      △E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

      Table 14. CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the C1 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite

      △E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

      Table 15. CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the C2 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite

      △E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

      Table 16. CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the C3 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite

      △E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

      Table 17. CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the C4 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite

      △E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

      Table 18. CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the D2 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite

      △E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

      Table 19. CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the D3 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite

      △E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

      Table 20. CIE L*a*b* value of incisal composites that build-up on the D4 body composite, and color difference between body composite and incisal composite

      △E* 0.5 & △E* 1.0, Color difference between body composite and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm thickness incisal composite.

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