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1 "cDNA microarray assay"
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Original Article
The comparison of gene expression from human dental pulp cells and periodontal ligament cells
Hyoun So, Sang-Hyuk Park, Gi-Woon Choi
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2009;34(5):430-441.   Published online September 30, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The purpose of this study was to characterize functional distinction between human dental pulp cells(PC) and periodontal ligament cells(PDLC) using cDNA microarray assay and to confirm the results of the microarray assay using RT-PCR. 3 genes out of 51 genes which were found to be more expressed(>2 fold) in PC were selected, and 3 genes out of 19 genes which were found to be more expressed(>2 fold) in PDLC were selected for RT-PCR as well.

According to this study, the results were as follows:

1. From the microarray assay, 51 genes were more expressed (2 fold) from PC than PDLC.

2. RT-PCR confirmed that ITGA4 and TGF β2 were more expressed in PC than in PDLC.

3. From the microarray assay, 19 genes were more expressed (2 fold) from PDLC than PC.

4. RT-PCR confirmed that LUM, WISP1, and MMP1 were more expressed in PDLC than in PC.

From the present study, different expression of the genes between the PC and PDLC were characterized to show the genes which play an important role in dentinogenesis were more expressed from PC than PDLC, while the genes which were related with collagen synthesis were more expressed from PDLC than PC.

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