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Impact of root canal curvature and instrument type on the amount of extruded debris during retreatment
Burcu Serefoglu, Gözde Kandemir Demirci, Seniha Miçooğulları Kurt, İlknur Kaşıkçı Bilgi, Mehmet Kemal Çalışkan
Restor Dent Endod 2021;46(1):e5.   Published online December 17, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The aim of the current study was to assess whether the amount of extruded debris differs for straight and severely curved root canals during retreatment using H-files, R-Endo, Reciproc and ProTaper Universal Retreatment (PTU-R) files. Additionally, the area of residual filling material was evaluated.

Materials and Methods

Severely curved (n = 104) and straight (n = 104) root canals of maxillary molar teeth were prepared with WaveOne Primary file and obturated with gutta-percha and AH Plus sealer. Root canal filling materials were removed with one of the preparation techniques: group 1: H-file; group 2: R-Endo; group 3: Reciproc; group 4: PTU-R (n = 26). The amount of extruded material and the area of the residual filling material was measured. The data were analyzed with 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and 1-way ANOVA at the 0.05 significance level.


Except for Reciproc group (p > 0.05), PTU-R, R-Endo, and H-file systems extruded significantly more debris in severely curved canals (p < 0.05). Each file system caused more residual filling material in severely curved canals than in straight ones (p < 0.05).


All instruments used in this study caused apical debris extrusion. Root canal curvature had an effect on extruded debris, except for Reciproc system. Clinicians should be aware that the difficult morphology of the severely curved root canals is a factor increasing the amount of extruded debris during the retreatment procedure.

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