The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of multiple application of all-in-one dentin adhesive system on microtensile bond strength using confocal laser scanning microscope and microtensile bond strength test. Flat occlusal dentin surfaces were prepared using low-speed diamond saw. In group I, Scotchbond Multipurpose (SM) was applied by manufacturer’s recommendation. In group II, after Adper Prompt L-Pop was applied for 15s and light cured for 10s, the second coat was re-applied and light-cured. In group III, after light-curing the second layer, the third coat was re-applied and light-cured. Specimens bonded with a resin-composite were sectioned into resin-dentin stick for measuring the adhesive layer thickness by confocal laser scanning microscope and evaluating micro-tensile bond strength. The adhesive layers of three-step dentin adhesive system, 3 coats of Adper Prompt L-Pop had significantly thicker than SM, 2 coats of Adper Prompt L-Pop (p < 0.05). However, there was no significant differences in bond strengths between SM and 3 coats of Adper Prompt L-Pop (p > 0.05). And SM, 3 coats of Adper Prompt L-Pop had significantly higher than 2 coats of Adper Prompt L-Pop in bond strengths (p < 0.05).
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of salivary contamination of teeth on bonding efficacy of self-priming and self-etching DBSs. The materials used were Single Bond(SB, self-priming system, 3M), Unifil Bond(UB, self-etching system, GC), and Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus(SM, 3M) as control. Forty five human molars randomly allocated to three groups as dentin bonding systems tested and embedded in epoxy resin. Then the specimens were wet-ground to expose flat buccal enamel surface or flat occlusal dentin surface and cut bucco-lingually to form two halves with slow speed diamond saw. One of them was used under non-contamination, other under contamination with saliva. The bonding procedure was according to the manufacturer's directions and resin composite(Z-100, 3M Dental Products, St. Paul, MN) was built-up on the bonded surface 5mm high. The specimens were ground carefully at the enamel-composite interface with fine finishing round diamond bur to create an hour-glass shape yielding bonded surface areas of 1.5±0.1mm2. The specimens were bonded to the modified microtensile testing apparatus with cyanoacrylate, attached to the universal testing machine and stressed in tension at a CHS of 1mm/min.. The tensile force at failure was recorded and converted to a tensile stress(MPa). Mean values and standard deviations of the bond strength are listed in table. One-way ANOVA was used to determine significant difference at the 95% level.
The bond strength of SBMP and SB were not affected by salivary contamination, but that of UB was significantly affected by salivary contamination. These results indicate that DBSs with total etch technique seems less likely affected by salivary contamination in bonding procedure.