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Research Article
Shape and anatomical relationship of the mental foramen to the mandibular premolars in an Indian sub-population: a retrospective CBCT analysis
Komal Sheth, Kulvinder Singh Banga, Ajinkya M. Pawar, James L. Gutmann, Hyeon-Cheol Kim
Restor Dent Endod 2022;47(1):e1.   Published online December 13, 2021
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

This study assessed the shape and anatomical relationship of the mental foramen (MF) to mandibular posterior teeth in an Indian sub-population.

Materials and Methods

In total, 475 existing cone-beam computed tomography records exhibiting 950 MFs and including the bilateral presence of mandibular premolars and first molars were assessed. Images were evaluated 3-dimensionally to ascertain the position, shape, and anatomical proximity of MFs to mandibular teeth. The position and shape of MFs were measured and calculated. The Pythagorean theorem was used to calculate the distance between the root apex of the mandibular teeth and the MF.


MFs exhibited a predominantly round shape (left: 67% and right: 65%) followed by oval (left: 30% and right: 31%) in both males and females and in different age groups. The root apices of mandibular second premolars (left: 71% and right: 62%) were closest to the MF, followed by distal to the first premolars and mesial to the second premolars. The mean vertical distance between the MF and the nearest tooth apex calculated on sagittal sections was 2.20 mm on the right side and 2.32 mm on the left side; no significant difference was found according to sex or age. The distance between the apices of the teeth and the MF was ≥ 4 mm (left; 4.09 ± 1.27 mm and right; 4.01 ± 1.15 mm).


These findings highlight the need for clinicians to be aware of the location of the MF in treatment planning and while performing non-surgical and surgical endodontic procedures.

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Case Report
Mental nerve paresthesia secondary to initiation of endodontic therapy: a case report
Syed Mukhtar-Un-Nisar Andrabi, Sharique Alam, Afaf Zia, Masood Hasan Khan, Ashok Kumar
Restor Dent Endod 2014;39(3):215-219.   Published online May 8, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Whenever endodontic therapy is performed on mandibular posterior teeth, damage to the inferior alveolar nerve or any of its branches is possible. Acute periapical infection in mandibular posterior teeth may also sometimes disturb the normal functioning of the inferior alveolar nerve. The most common clinical manifestation of these insults is the paresthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve or mental nerve paresthesia. Paresthesia usually manifests as burning, prickling, tingling, numbness, itching or any deviation from normal sensation. Altered sensation and pain in the involved areas may interfere with speaking, eating, drinking, shaving, tooth brushing and other events of social interaction which will have a disturbing impact on the patient. Paresthesia can be short term, long term or even permanent. The duration of the paresthesia depends upon the extent of the nerve damage or persistence of the etiology. Permanent paresthesia is the result of nerve trunk laceration or actual total nerve damage. Paresthesia must be treated as soon as diagnosed to have better treatment outcomes. The present paper describes a case of mental nerve paresthesia arising after the start of the endodontic therapy in left mandibular first molar which was managed successfully by conservative treatment.

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