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Case Report
Pulp revascularization with and without platelet-rich plasma in two anterior teeth with horizontal radicular fractures: a case report
Edison Arango-Gómez, Javier Laureano Nino-Barrera, Gustavo Nino, Freddy Jordan, Henry Sossa-Rojas
Restor Dent Endod 2019;44(4):e35.   Published online August 20, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Pulp revascularization is an alternative treatment in immature traumatized teeth with necrotic pulp. However, this procedure has not been reported in horizontal root fractures. This is a case report of a 9-year-old patient with multiple horizontal root fractures in 2 upper central incisors that were successfully treated with pulp revascularization. The patient presented for treatment 2 years after the initial trauma, and revascularization was attempted after the initial treatment with calcium hydroxide had failed. Prior to pulp revascularization, cone-beam computed tomography and autoradiograms demonstrated multiple horizontal fractures in the middle and apical thirds of the roots of the 2 affected teeth. Revascularization was performed in both teeth; platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was used in one tooth (#11) and the conventional method (blood clot) was used in the other tooth (#21). Clinical and radiographic follow-up over 4 years demonstrated pulp calcification in the PRP-treated tooth. Neither of the 2 teeth were lost, and the root canal calcification of tooth #11 was greater than that of tooth #21. This case suggests that PRP-based pulp revascularization may be an alternative for horizontal root fractures.

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