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1 "Electrochemical study"
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An electrochemical study of the sealing ability of three retrofilling materials
Dong-Sung Park, Suh-Jin Sohn, Tae-Seok Oh, Hyun-Mi Yoo, Chan-Je Park, Soon-Ho Yim, Young-Kyoo Lee, Seung-Bum Kye
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2004;29(4):365-369.   Published online July 31, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the apical sealing ability of Super-EBA, MTA and Dyract-flow as retrofilling materials. Forty-eight extracted human teeth with straight and single root canal were used in this study. The root canals were prepared to a #40 apical canal size and obturated with gutter-percha. Apicoectomies were performed and root end cavities were prepared to a depth of 3mm using an ultrasonic device. The root end cavities were filled with Super-EBA, MTA or Dyract-flow. Leakage was measured using an electrochemical technique for 4 weeks.

According to this study, the results were as follows.

1. Increasing leakage with time was observed in all groups.

2. No significant difference was noted among the 3 groups with time (p = 0.216).

3. No significant difference was noted among the 3 groups when measured within the same time interval (p = 0.814).

The results of this study suggest that the sealing ability of Dyract-flow is equal to that of Super-EBA and MTA, and Dyract-flow may be an alternative to other materials for root-end filling.

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