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Research Article
Cyclic fatigue resistance, torsional resistance, and metallurgical characteristics of M3 Rotary and M3 Pro Gold NiTi files
Eugenio Pedullà, Fabio Lo Savio, Giusy Rita Maria La Rosa, Gabriele Miccoli, Elena Bruno, Silvia Rapisarda, Seok Woo Chang, Ernesto Rapisarda, Guido La Rosa, Gianluca Gambarini, Luca Testarelli
Restor Dent Endod 2018;43(2):e25.   Published online April 23, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

To evaluate the mechanical properties and metallurgical characteristics of the M3 Rotary and M3 Pro Gold files (United Dental).

Materials and Methods

One hundred and sixty new M3 Rotary and M3 Pro Gold files (sizes 20/0.04 and 25/0.04) were used. Torque and angle of rotation at failure (n = 20) were measured according to ISO 3630-1. Cyclic fatigue resistance was tested by measuring the number of cycles to failure in an artificial stainless steel canal (60° angle of curvature and a 5-mm radius). The metallurgical characteristics were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and the Student-Newman-Keuls test.


Comparing the same size of the 2 different instruments, cyclic fatigue resistance was significantly higher in the M3 Pro Gold files than in the M3 Rotary files (p < 0.001). No significant difference was observed between the files in the maximum torque load, while a significantly higher angular rotation to fracture was observed for M3 Pro Gold (p < 0.05). In the DSC analysis, the M3 Pro Gold files showed one prominent peak on the heating curve and 2 prominent peaks on the cooling curve. In contrast, the M3 Rotary files showed 1 small peak on the heating curve and 1 small peak on the cooling curve.


The M3 Pro Gold files showed greater flexibility and angular rotation than the M3 Rotary files, without decrement of their torque resistance. The superior flexibility of M3 Pro Gold files can be attributed to their martensite phase.


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Basic Research
Rheological characterization of thermoplasticized injectable gutta percha and resilon
Juhea Chang, Seung-Ho Baek, In-Bog Lee
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2011;36(5):377-384.   Published online September 30, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The purpose of this study was to observe the change in the viscoelastic properties of thermoplasticized injectable root canal filling materials as a function of temperature and to compare the handling characteristics of these materials.

Materials and Methods

Three commercial gutta perchas and Resilon (Pentron Clinical Technologies) in a pellet form were heated in the Obtura-II system (Obtura Spartan) at 140℃ and 200℃, and the extrusion temperature of the thermoplasticized materials was measured. The viscoelastic properties of the materials as a function of temperature were evaluated using a rheometer. The elastic modulus G', viscous modulus G", loss tangent tan δ, and complex viscosity η* were determined. The phase transition temperature was determined by both the rheometer and a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The consistency of the materials was compared under compacting pressure at 60℃ and 40℃ by a squeeze test.


The three gutta perchas had dissimilar profiles in viscoelastic properties with varying temperature. The phase transition of softened materials into solidification occurred at 40℃ to 50℃, and the onset temperatures obtained by a rheometer and a DSC were similar to each other. The onset temperature of phase transition and the consistency upon compaction pressure were different among the materials (p < 0.05). Resilon had a rheologically similar pattern to the gutta perchas, and was featured between high and low-flow gutta perchas.


The rheological characteristics of the thermoplasticized root canal filling materials changed under a cooling process. The dissimilar viscoelastic properties among the materials require different handling characteristics during an injecting and compacting procedure.


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