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Research Article
Effect of the restorative technique on load-bearing capacity, cusp deflection, and stress distribution of endodontically-treated premolars with MOD restoration
Daniel Maranha da Rocha, João Paulo Mendes Tribst, Pietro Ausiello, Amanda Maria de Oliveira Dal Piva, Milena Cerqueira da Rocha, Rebeca Di Nicoló, Alexandre Luiz Souto Borges
Restor Dent Endod 2019;44(3):e33.   Published online August 7, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

To evaluate the influence of the restorative technique on the mechanical response of endodontically-treated upper premolars with mesio-occluso-distal (MOD) cavity.

Materials and Methods

Forty-eight premolars received MOD preparation (4 groups, n = 12) with different restorative techniques: glass ionomer cement + composite resin (the GIC group), a metallic post + composite resin (the MP group), a fiberglass post + composite resin (the FGP group), or no endodontic treatment + restoration with composite resin (the CR group). Cusp strain and load-bearing capacity were evaluated. One-way analysis of variance and the Tukey test were used with α = 5%. Finite element analysis (FEA) was used to calculate displacement and tensile stress for the teeth and restorations.


MP showed the highest cusp (p = 0.027) deflection (24.28 ± 5.09 µm/µm), followed by FGP (20.61 ± 5.05 µm/µm), CR (17.72 ± 6.32 µm/µm), and GIC (17.62 ± 7.00 µm/µm). For load-bearing, CR (38.89 ± 3.24 N) showed the highest, followed by GIC (37.51 ± 6.69 N), FGP (29.80 ± 10.03 N), and MP (18.41 ± 4.15 N) (p = 0.001) value. FEA showed similar behavior in the restorations in all groups, while MP showed the highest stress concentration in the tooth and post.


There is no mechanical advantage in using intraradicular posts for endodontically-treated premolars requiring MOD restoration. Filling the pulp chamber with GIC and restoring the tooth with only CR showed the most promising results for cusp deflection, failure load, and stress distribution.

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Original Article
Influence of cavity size and restoration methods on the cusp deflection in composite restoration
Mi-Ra Lee, In-Bog Lee, Chang-In Seok, Sang-Tag Lee, Chung-Moon Um
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2004;29(6):532-540.   Published online November 30, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The aim of this study was to measure the cusp deflection during composite restoration for MOD cavity in premolar and to examine the influence of cavity dimension, C-factor and restoration method on the cusp deflection.

Thirty extracted maxillary premolar were prepared to four different sizes of MOD cavity and divided into six groups. The width and depth of the cavity were as follows. Group 1; 1.5 × 1 mm, Group 2; 1.5 × 2 mm, Group 3; 3 × 1 mm, and Group 4-6; 3 × 2 mm respectively. Group 1-4 were restored using bulk filling method with Z-250 composite. However, Group 5 was restored incrementally, and Group 6 was restored with an indirect resin inlay.

The cusp deflection was recorded at the buccal and lingual cusp tips using LVDT probe for 10,000 seconds. The measured cusp deflections were compared between groups, and the relationship between the cube of the length of cavity wall/the cube of the thickness of cavity wall (L3 / T3), C-factor and cusp deflection or %flexure (100 × cuspal deflection / cavity width) was analyzed.

The cusp deflection of Group 1-4 were 12.1 µm, 17.2 µm, 16.2 µm and 26.4 µm respectively. The C-factor was related to the %flexure rather than the cusp deflection. There was a strong positive correlationship between the L3 / T3 and the cusp deflection. The cusp deflection of Group 5 and 6 were 17.4 µm and 17.9 µm respectively, which are much lower value than that of Group 4.

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