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Case Reports
A 48-month clinical performance of hybrid ceramic fragment restorations manufactured in CAD/CAM in non-carious cervical lesions: case report
Michael Willian Favoreto, Gabriel David Cochinski, Eveline Claudia Martini, Thalita de Paris Matos, Matheus Coelho Bandeca, Alessandro Dourado Loguercio
Restor Dent Endod 2024;49(3):e32.   Published online August 5, 2024
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

From the restorative perspective, various methods are available to prevent the progression of non-carious cervical lesions. Direct, semi-direct, and indirect composite resin techniques and indirect ceramic restorations are commonly recommended. In this context, semi-direct and indirect restoration approaches are increasingly favored, particularly as digital dentistry becomes more prevalent. To illustrate this, we present a case report demonstrating the efficacy of hybrid ceramic fragments fabricated using computer-aided design (CAD)/computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technology and cemented with resin cement in treating non-carious cervical lesions over a 48-month follow-up period. A 24-year-old male patient sought treatment for aesthetic concerns and dentin hypersensitivity in the cervical region of the lower premolar teeth. Clinical examination confirmed the presence of two non-carious cervical lesions in the buccal region of teeth #44 and #45. The treatment plan involved indirect restoration using CAD/CAM-fabricated hybrid ceramic fragments as a restorative material. After 48 months, the hybrid ceramic material exhibited excellent adaptation and durability provided by the CAD/CAM system. This case underscores the effectiveness of hybrid ceramic fragments in restoring non-carious cervical lesions, highlighting their long-term stability and clinical success.

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The application of “bone window technique” using piezoelectric saws and a CAD/CAM-guided surgical stent in endodontic microsurgery on a mandibular molar case
Ukseong Kim, Sunil Kim, Euiseong Kim
Restor Dent Endod 2020;45(3):e27.   Published online May 21, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Apical surgery for a mandibular molar is still challenging for many reasons. This report describes the applications of computer-guided cortical ‘bone-window technique’ using piezoelectric saws that prevented any nerve damage in performing endodontic microsurgery of a mandibular molar. A 49-year-old woman presented with gumboil on tooth #36 (previously endodontically treated tooth) and was diagnosed with chronic apical abscess. Periapical lesions were confirmed using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Endodontic microsurgery for the mesial and distal roots of tooth #36 was planned. Following the transfer of data of the CBCT images and the scanned cast to an implant surgical planning program, data from both devices were merged. A surgical stent was designed, on the superimposed three-dimensional model, to guide the preparation of a cortical window on the buccal side of tooth #36. Endodontic microsurgery was performed with a printed surgical template. Minimal osteotomy was required and preservation of the buccal cortical plate rendered this endodontic surgery less traumatic. No postoperative complications such as mental nerve damage were reported. Window technique guided by a computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacture based surgical template can be considerably useful in endodontic microsurgery in complicated cases.

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Research Article
Influence of different universal adhesives on the repair performance of hybrid CAD-CAM materials
Gülbike Demirel, İsmail Hakkı Baltacıoğlu
Restor Dent Endod 2019;44(3):e23.   Published online May 20, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The aim of this study was to investigate the microshear bond strength (μSBS) of different universal adhesive systems applied to hybrid computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) restorative materials repaired with a composite resin.

Materials and Methods

Four types of CAD-CAM hybrid block materials—Lava Ultimate (LA), Vita Enamic (VE), CeraSmart (CS), and Shofu Block HC (SH)—were used in this study, in combination with the following four adhesive protocols: 1) control: porcelain primer + total etch adhesive (CO), 2) Single Bond Universal (SB), 3) All Bond Universal (AB), and 4) Clearfil Universal Bond (CU). The μSBS of the composite resin (Clearfil Majesty Esthetic) was measured and the data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance and the Tukey test, with the level of significance set at p < 0.05.


The CAD-CAM block type and block-adhesive combination had significant effects on the bond strength values (p < 0.05). Significant differences were found between the following pairs of groups: VE/CO and VE/AB, CS/CO and CS/AB, VE/CU and CS/CU, and VE/AB and CS/AB (p < 0.05).


The μSBS values were affected by hybrid block type. All tested universal adhesive treatments can be used as an alternative to the control treatment for repair, except the AB system on VE blocks (the VE/AB group). The μSBS values showed variation across different adhesive treatments on different hybrid CAD-CAM block types.

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Restor Dent Endod : Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics
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