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Contemporary research trends on nanoparticles in endodontics: a bibliometric and scientometric analysis of the top 100 most-cited articles
Sıla Nur Usta, Zeliha Uğur-Aydın, Kadriye Demirkaya, Cumhur Aydın
Restor Dent Endod 2023;48(3):e27.   Published online July 26, 2023
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

Advancements in nanotechnology have led to the widespread usage of nanoparticles in the endodontic field. This bibliometric study aimed to determine and analyze the top 100 most-cited articles about nanoparticles in endodontics from 2000 to 2022.

Materials and Methods

A detailed electronic search was conducted on the “Clarivate Analytics Web of Science, All Databases” to receive the most-cited articles related to the topic. Articles were ranked in descending order based on their citation counts, and the first 100 were selected for bibliometric analysis. Parameters such as citation density, publication year, journal, country, institution, author, study design, study field, evidence level, and keywords were analyzed.


The top 100 most-cited articles received 4,698 citations (16–271) with 970.21 (1.91–181) citation density in total. Among decades, citations were significantly higher in 2011–2022 (p < 0.001). Journal of Endodontics had the largest number of publications. Canada and the University of Toronto made the highest contribution as country and institution, respectively. Anil Kishen was the 1 who participated in the largest number of articles. The majority of the articles were designed in vitro. The main study field was “antibacterial effect.” Among keywords, “nanoparticles” followed by “Enterococcus faecalis” were used more frequently.


Developments in nanotechnology had an impact on the increasing number of studies in recent years. This bibliometric study provides a comprehensive view of nanoparticle advances and trends using citation analysis.

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Top 50 cited articles on dental stem cell research
Konstantinos Kodonas, Anastasia Fardi, Christos Gogos, Nikolaos Economides
Restor Dent Endod 2020;45(2):e17.   Published online February 11, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Citation analysis provides a unique insight into how scientific interests and research trends have changed over time. The aim of this study was to report on the 50 top-cited papers in dental stem cell research using the Science Citation Index Expanded provided by the Web of Science database to determine the academic importance of each contribution.

Materials and Methods

After the screening, article title and type, total citations and citations per year, publication journal, publication year, first and senior authors, country of origin, institution, and university of reprint author were documented for the 50 top-cited articles in dental stem cell research. Keyword analysis was performed to determine which keywords were most/least popular.


Top 50-cited articles were cited between 179 to 2,275 times. The majority of papers were published in 2008 and originated from the United States with the highest contribution from the National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research. Journal of Dental Research published the highest number of top-cited articles, followed by Stem Cells and Journal of Endodontics. The greatest number of articles was published by two individual authors, Shi and Gronthos. Among 197 unique keywords, dental pulp stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells were the most frequently used. Thirty-eight of the 50 most cited articles were original articles, and 37 of them were in the field of basic science.


Basic science studies in dental stem cell research published in high impact factor journals had the highest citation rates.

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Publication patterns in Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
Sherin Jose Chockattu, Byathnal Suryakant Deepak
Restor Dent Endod 2019;44(3):e34.   Published online August 8, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics (Restor Dent Endod; RDE) is an English-language journal published by the Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry, and it has been online since 2012 with quarterly publications. The purpose of this paper was to review and analyze the publications in this journal since its inception and over the 7-year period from 2012 to 2018.

Materials and Methods

This paper assessed the number, type, and subject of articles published, as well as authorship patterns and article citations of the journal over a 7-year period. The citation indicator for the journal (h-index) was assessed using Google Scholar.


The number of articles per issue has remained relatively consistent in the 7 years that were analyzed. An analysis of the article types revealed various categories of review articles. Original research articles accounted for the most articles per volume. Twice as many articles per volume were on endodontic topics than on restorative subjects. Articles published in RDE have been widely cited in Synapse, Crossref, and PubMed Central. A country-wise mapping of authors' institutions revealed significant contributions from authors around the world. With an h-index of 24, RDE ranks third among journals in its specialty. The most cited articles were open lectures on statistics and research articles on recent concepts, technology, and materials.


Over the last 7 years, RDE has served as a platform for a large number of manuscripts in the field of restorative dentistry and endodontics.

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