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Tae-Hee Cho 1 Article
Self-adhesion of low-viscosity composites to dentin surface
Tae-Hee Cho, Kyoung-Kyu Choi, Sang-Hyuk Park, Sang-Jin Park
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2003;28(3):209-221.   Published online May 31, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The objectiveness of this study was to evaluate whether low-viscosity composite can bond effectively to dentin surface without bonding resin. The low-viscosity composites being 50wt% filler content were made by the inclusion of bonding resin of two self-etching systems(Clearfil SE Bond, Unifil Bond) varied with contents as 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50wt%.

Exposed dentin surfaces of extracted 3rd molars are used. Dentin bond strengths were measured. The tests were carried out with a micro-shear device placed testing machine at a CHS of 1mm/min after a low-viscosity composite was filled into an iris cut from micro tygon tubing with internal diameter approximately 0.8mm and height of 1.0mm.

Flexural strength and modulus was increased with the addition of bonding resin.

Micro-shear bond strength to dentin was improved according to content of bonding resin irrespective of applying or not bonding resin in bonding procedure, and that of Clearfil SE Bond groups was higher than Unifil Bond.

There were no significant difference whether use of each bonding resin in bonding procedure for S-40, S-50, U-50(p>0.05).

In SEM examination, resin was well infiltrated into dentin after primed with self-etching primer only for S-50 and U-50 in spite of the formation of thinner hybrid layer.

Low viscosity composite including some functional monomer may be used as dentin bonding resin without an intermediary bonding agent. It makes a simplified bonding procedure and foresees the possibility of self-adhesive restorative material.

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