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Hyung-Gyu Kong 1 Article
Pulp vitality and coronal discoloration following traumatic injuries
Tae-Sun Yoon, Hyung-Gyu Kong, Euiseong Kim
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2010;35(6):492-496.   Published online November 30, 2010
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Coronal discoloration is a common sequela to traumatic injuries. In subluxation cases, although the injury is not strong enough to rupture the apical vessels, discoloration may appear by tearing thin walls or occluding small capillaries. In absence of infection pulpal regeneration can occur, and as a result discoloration may completely or partially subside. But judging pulpal status by coronal discoloration can be dangerous and it may lead to unnecessary treatment.

This case presents coronal discoloration and recovery following traumatic injury of maxillary anterior teeth. In diagnosing traumatized teeth routine cold tests or electric pulp tests are known to be unreliable, but with the aid of ultrasound doppler imaging, assessing pulp vitality of traumatized teeth can be more accurate.

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