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Ghassan Yared 1 Article
Canal preparation with nickel-titanium or stainless steel instruments without the risk of instrument fracture: preliminary observations
Ghassan Yared
Restor Dent Endod 2015;40(1):85-90.   Published online November 13, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

This report introduces a novel technique that allows a safe and predictable canal negotiation, creation of a glide path and canal preparation with reciprocating nickel-titanium or stainless steel engine-driven instruments in canals where the use of rotary and the newly developed reciprocating instruments is contraindicated. In this novel technique, the instruments are used in reciprocating motion with very small angles. Hand files are not used regardless of the complexity of the canal anatomy. It also allows achieving predictable results in canal negotiation and glide path creation in challenging canals without the risk of instrument fracture.

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