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Eun-Hee Jung 1 Article
Morphologic analysis of C-shaped root using 3-D reconstruction
Eun-Hee Jung, Dong-Hoon Shin
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2002;27(4):421-431.   Published online July 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

C-shaped canal configuration is very difficult to treat because that clues about preoperative canal anatomy cannot be ascertained from clinical crown morphology and limited information can be derived from radiographic examination.

This study was done to get more informations about the root and canal configuration of C-shape root by 3-dimensionally reconstructing for the purpose of enhancing success rate of endodontic treatment.

30 mandibular molars with C-shaped root were selected. Six photo images from occlusal, apical, mesial, distal, buccal, lingual directions and radiographic view were taken as preoperative ones to compare them with 3-D image. After crown reduction to the level of 1-2mm over pulpal floor was performed, teeth were stored in 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution for the removal of pulp tissue and debris. They were cleaned under running water, allowed to bench dry and embedded in a self-curing resin. This resin block was serially ground with a microtome (Accutom-50, Struers, Denmark) and the image of each level was recorded by digital camera (FinePix S1-pro, Fuji Co., Japan). The thickness of each section was 0.25mm. Photographs of serial sections through all root canal were digitized using Adobe Photoshop 5.0 and then minimum thickness of open and closed sites were measured (open site is the surface containing occluso-apical groove : closed site is oppsite). After dizitization using 3-D Doctor (Able software Corp, USA), 3D reconstruction of the outer surface of tooth and the inner surface of pulp space was made. Canal classsification of C-shaped roots was performed from this 3-D reconstructed image.

The results were as follows:

1. Most C-shape rooted teeth showed lingual groove (28/30).

2. According to Vertuccis'calssification, type I, II, III, IV, VII were observed, but also new canal types such as 2-3-2, 1-2-3-2, 2-3-2-1, 2-3-2-3 were shown.

3. There was little difference in minimum thickness on coronal and apical portions, but open site were thinner than closed site on mid portion.

Conclusively, 3D reconstruction method could make the exact configurations of C-shape root possible to be visualized and analyzed from multi-directions. Data from minimum thickness recommend cleaning and shaping be more carefully done on dangerous mid portion.

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