Mandibular bone necrosis after use of paraformaldehyde-containing paste
Chi-hwan Lee, Yoorina Choi, Sujung Park
Restor Dent Endod 2016;41(4):332-337. Published online November 8, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5395/rde.2016.41.4.332
Paraformaldehyde has been used in the past as a pulpotomy agent. However, it has a severe cytotoxic effect and may cause alveolar bone necrosis. Depulpin, a devitalizing agent containing 49% paraformaldehyde, is no longer used frequently due to its severe side effects. In the two cases described in the present study, Depulpin was used as a devitalizing agent during root canal treatment. It caused a gradual loss of sensibility in adjacent teeth, gingival necrosis, and osteomyelitis. This case report demonstrates the serious side effects of using a paraformaldehyde-containing paste as a devitalizing agent for pulp, particularly mandibular bone necrosis.