Journal Title: | Journal of Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry | |
Journal Abbreviation: | J Korean Acad Conserv Dent | |
Acronym: | JKACD | |
Title in Korean: | 대한치과보존학회지 | |
Publication Date: | Vol. 13, no. 2 (1988) - Vol. 36, no. 6 (2011) | |
Frequency: | Bimonthly | |
Publisher: | The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry | |
Language: | Korean | |
pISSN: | 1225-0864 | |
eISSN: | 2093-8179 | |
DOI Prefix: | 10.5395 | |
Continues: | Journal of Korean Academy of Operative Dentistry = 대한치과보존학회지 | |
Continued By: | Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics | |
Broad Subject Term(s): | Dentistry | |
MeSH (NLM): |
Dental Caries Dental Pulp Diseases Dental Restoration, Permanent Dentistry | |
SC (SCI): | Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine | |
Open Access: | OA-nc ( | |
Electronic Links: | |
Indexed/Tracked/ Covered By: |
PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), CrossRef, and Google Scholar. | |