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Effect of film thickness of resin cement on bonding efficiency in indirect composite restoration
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Basic Research Effect of film thickness of resin cement on bonding efficiency in indirect composite restoration
Sang-Hyuck Lee, Gi-Woon Choi, Kyung-Kyu Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry 2010;35(2):69-79.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5395/JKACD.2010.35.2.069
Published online: March 31, 2010

Department of Conservative Dentistry, Division of Dentistry, Graduate of Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.

Corresponding Author: Kyung-Kyu Choi. Professor of Division of Dentistry, Graduate school of KyungHee University, 1, Hoegi Dong, Dongdaemun Gu, Seoul, 130-702, Korea. Tel: 82-2-958-9337, choikkyu@khu.ac.kr
• Received: October 14, 2009   • Revised: February 28, 2010   • Accepted: March 5, 2010

Copyright © 2010 Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry

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  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of film thickness of various resin cements on bonding efficiency in indirect composite restoration by measurement of microtensile bond strength, polymerization shrinkage, flexural strength and modulus, fractographic FE-SEM analysis. Experimental groups were divided according to film thickness (< 50 µm-control, 50 µm-T50, 100 µm-T100, 150 µm-T150) using composite-based resin cements (Variolink II, Duo-Link) and adhesive-based resin cements (Panavia F, Rely X Unicem). The data was analyzed using ANOVA and Duncan's multiple comparison test (p < 0.05).
    The results were as follows;
    1. Variolink II showed higher microtensile bond strength than that of adhesive-based resin cements in all film thickness (p < 0.05) but Duo-Link did not show significant difference except control group (p < 0.05).

    2. Microtensile bond strength of composite-based resin cements were decreased significantly according to increasing film thickness (p < 0.05) but adhesive-based resin cements did not show significant difference among film thickness (p > 0.05).

    3. Panavia F showed significantly lower polymerization shrinkage than other resin cements (p < 0.05).

    4. Composite-based resin cements showed significantly higher flexural strength and modulus than adhesive-based resin cements (p < 0.05).

    5. FE-SEM examination showed uniform adhesive layer and well developed resin tags in composite-based resin cements but unclear adhesive layer and poorly developed resin tags in adhesive-based resin cements. In debonded surface examination, composite-based resin cements showed mixed failures but adhesive-based resin cements showed adhesive failures.

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Figure 1
Schematic presentation of µTBS test.
Figure 2
FE-SEM images of resin cement/dentin interface (×1000). Composite-based resin cements(a, b) showed adhesive layer, uniform hybrid layer and well developed resin tags. Adhesive-based resin cements(c, d) showed uncertain hybrid layer and slender resin tags (CO: Composite overlay, RC: Resin cement, AD: Adhesive layer, HL: Hybrid layer, D: Dentin).
Figure 3
FE-SEM images of debonded interface (×1000). Composite-based resin cements(a, b) showed mixed failure at top and bottom of hybrid layer. Opened dentinal tubules, resin cement and adhesive layer could be seen. Adhesive-based resin cements(c, d) showed adhesive failure at hybrid layer. Partially opened dentinal tubules and void formation could be seen (RC: Resin cement, AD: Adhesive layer, DT: Dentinal tubule, HL: Hybrid layer).
Table 1
Resin cements used in this study
Table 2
Adhesive system of resin cements used in this study
Table 3
Two-way ANOVA result between factors of resin cements and film thickness
Table 4
Microtensile bond strengths for experimental groups (MPa ± SD)

Groups with the same superscripts letters indicate no significant difference (p > 0.05), according to resin cements (small letters) or film thickness (capital letters).

Table 5
Polymerization shrinkage, flexural strength and flexural modulus of resin cements

Mean values for each test with same subscript were not significantly different (p > 0.05)


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        Effect of film thickness of resin cement on bonding efficiency in indirect composite restoration
        J Korean Acad Conserv Dent. 2010;35(2):69-79.   Published online March 31, 2010
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      Related articles
      Effect of film thickness of resin cement on bonding efficiency in indirect composite restoration
      Image Image Image
      Figure 1 Schematic presentation of µTBS test.
      Figure 2 FE-SEM images of resin cement/dentin interface (×1000). Composite-based resin cements(a, b) showed adhesive layer, uniform hybrid layer and well developed resin tags. Adhesive-based resin cements(c, d) showed uncertain hybrid layer and slender resin tags (CO: Composite overlay, RC: Resin cement, AD: Adhesive layer, HL: Hybrid layer, D: Dentin).
      Figure 3 FE-SEM images of debonded interface (×1000). Composite-based resin cements(a, b) showed mixed failure at top and bottom of hybrid layer. Opened dentinal tubules, resin cement and adhesive layer could be seen. Adhesive-based resin cements(c, d) showed adhesive failure at hybrid layer. Partially opened dentinal tubules and void formation could be seen (RC: Resin cement, AD: Adhesive layer, DT: Dentinal tubule, HL: Hybrid layer).
      Effect of film thickness of resin cement on bonding efficiency in indirect composite restoration

      Resin cements used in this study

      Adhesive system of resin cements used in this study

      Two-way ANOVA result between factors of resin cements and film thickness

      Microtensile bond strengths for experimental groups (MPa ± SD)

      Groups with the same superscripts letters indicate no significant difference (p > 0.05), according to resin cements (small letters) or film thickness (capital letters).

      Polymerization shrinkage, flexural strength and flexural modulus of resin cements

      Mean values for each test with same subscript were not significantly different (p > 0.05)

      Table 1 Resin cements used in this study

      Table 2 Adhesive system of resin cements used in this study

      Table 3 Two-way ANOVA result between factors of resin cements and film thickness

      Table 4 Microtensile bond strengths for experimental groups (MPa ± SD)

      Groups with the same superscripts letters indicate no significant difference (p > 0.05), according to resin cements (small letters) or film thickness (capital letters).

      Table 5 Polymerization shrinkage, flexural strength and flexural modulus of resin cements

      Mean values for each test with same subscript were not significantly different (p > 0.05)

      Restor Dent Endod : Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics
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