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Outcome of endodontic treatments performed by Brazilian undergraduate students: 3- to 8-year follow up
Jéssica Gabriele da Rocha, Isabella Marian Lena, Jéssica Lopes Trindade, Gabriela Salatino Liedke, Renata Dornelles Morgental, Carlos Alexandre Souza Bier
Restor Dent Endod 2022;47(3):e34.   Published online August 18, 2022
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

This study aimed to evaluate the success rate of endodontic treatments performed by undergraduate students and the factors associated with the outcome.

Materials and Methods

A follow-up of 3 to 8 years after root canal filling was carried out in 91 patients. At the follow-up visits, medical and dental history questionnaires were applied along with clinical and radiographic examinations. Data collected in the clinical exam included: the presence of pain, swelling, sinus tract, mobility, tenderness to palpation and percussion, periodontal probing profile, and type/quality of coronal restoration. Postoperative and follow-up radiographs were digitalized and analyzed by 2 trained and calibrated examiners to assess periapical healing. The treatment outcome was based on strict clinical and radiographic criteria and classified as success (absence of any clinical and radiographic sign of apical periodontitis) or failure (other combination). Logistic regression was used to investigate the impact of clinical and radiographic variables on endodontic treatment outcomes at a 5% significance level.


The success rate of endodontic treatments was 60.7%. The only risk factor significantly associated with failure was the presence of a periapical lesion on the postoperative radiograph (odds ratio, 3.35; 95% confidence interval, 1.17–9.54).


The success rate of endodontic treatments performed by undergraduate students was low and was jeopardized by the presence of a periapical lesion on the postoperative radiograph.

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Clinical and radiographic outcomes of regenerative endodontic treatment performed by endodontic postgraduate students: a retrospective study
Hadi Rajeh Alfahadi, Saad Al-Nazhan, Fawaz Hamad Alkazman, Nassr Al-Maflehi, Nada Al-Nazhan
Restor Dent Endod 2022;47(2):e24.   Published online May 9, 2022
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Regenerative endodontic treatment is a clinical procedure aimed at biologically regenerating damaged root canal tissue of immature permanent teeth. This study aimed to report the outcomes of regenerative endodontic treatment performed by endodontic postgraduate students.

Materials and Methods

Clinical and radiographic data of 27 patients, aged 10–22 years, who underwent regenerative treatment of immature permanent teeth from 2015 to 2019 were followed up, wherein clinical and radiographic examinations were performed for each patient. Postoperative success rate and tooth survival were analyzed, and the postoperative radiographic root area changes were quantified.


A total of 23 patients attended the dental appointments, showing that all teeth survived and were asymptomatic. Specifically, 7 periapical pathosis cases were completely healed, 12 were incompletely healed, and 4 cases failed. Moreover, significant differences were found between discolored and non-discolored teeth, and between the presence or absence of periapical radiolucency. Additionally, 3 anterior teeth showed complete closure of the apical foramen, while the apical foramen width was reduced in 17 teeth and failed in 3 teeth. Root length was also found to have been increased in 7 anterior and 4 posterior teeth, and the average length ranged from 4.00–0.63 mm in the anterior teeth, 2.85–1.48 mm of the mesial root, and 2.73–2.16 mm of the molar teeth distal root. Furthermore, calcified tissue deposition was observed in 7 teeth.


A favorable outcome of regenerative endodontic treatment of immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulp was achieved with a high survival rate.

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