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Basic Research
A new method to measure the linear polymerization shrinkage of composites using a particle tracking method with computer vision
In-Bog Lee, Sun-Hong Min, Deog-Gyu Seo, Sun-Young Kim, Youngchul Kwon
J Korean Acad Conserv Dent 2010;35(3):180-187.   Published online May 31, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Since the introduction of restorative dental composites, their physical properties have been significantly improved. However, polymerization shrinkage is still a major drawback. Many efforts have been made to develop a low shrinking composite, and silorane-based composites have recently been introduced into the market. In addition, many different methods have been developed to measure the polymerization shrinkage.

In this study, we developed a new method to measure the linear polymerization shrinkage of composites without direct contact to a specimen using a particle tracking method with computer vision. The shrinkage kinetics of a commercial silorane-based composite (P90) and two conventional methacrylate-based composites (Z250 and Z350) were investigated and compared. The results were as follows:

The linear shrinkage of composites was 0.33-1.41%. Shrinkage was lowest for the silorane-based (P90) composite, and highest for the flowable Z350 composite.

The new instrument was able to measure the true linear shrinkage of composites in real time without sensitivity to the specimen preparation and geometry.

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