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Effect of dentinal tubules orientation on penetration pattern of dentin adhesives using confocal laser scanning microscopy

Effect of dentinal tubules orientation on penetration pattern of dentin adhesives using confocal laser scanning microscopy

Article information

Restor Dent Endod. 2003;28(5):392-401
Publication date (electronic) : 2003 September 30
doi : https://doi.org/10.5395/JKACD.2003.28.5.392
Department of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, DSRI, Chonnam National University, Korea.
Corresponding author (hinso@jnu.ac.kr)


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the penetration pattern of dentin adhesives according to the orientation of dentinal tubules with confocal laser scanning microscopy. Specimens having perpendicular, parallel and oblique surface to dentinal tubules were fabricated. The primer of dentin adhesives (ALL BOND® 2, CLEARFIL™ SE BOND and PQ1) was mixed with fluorescent material, rhodamine B isothiocyanate (Aldrich Chem. CO., Milw., USA). It was applied to the specimens according to the instructions of manufactures. The specimens were covered with composite resin (Estelite, shade A2) and then cut to a thickness of 500 µm with low speed saw (Isomet™, Buehler, USA). The adhesive pattern of dentin adhesives were observed by fluorescence image using confocal laser scanning microscopy.

The results were as follows.

  1. For the groups with tubules perpendicular to bonded surface, funnel shape of resin tag was observed in all specimen. However, resin tags were more prominent in phosphoric acid etching system (ALL BOND® 2 and PQ1) than self etching system (CLEARFIL™ SE BOND).

  2. For the groups with tubules parallel to bonded surface, rhodamine-labeled primer penetrated into peritubular dentin parallel to the orientation of dentinal tubules. But rhodamine-labeled primer of PQ1 diffused more radially into surrounding intertubular dentin than other dentin adhesive systems.

  3. For the groups with tubules oblique to bonded surface, resin tags appeared irregular and discontinuous. But they penetrated deeper into dentinal tubules than other groups.


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Article information Continued

Fig. 1

Preparation of specimens with the bonding surface perpendicular, parallel or oblique to the dentinal tubules (B-L = bucco-lingual view, M-D = mesio-distal view).

Fig. 2

Confocal laser scanning microscopy (Olympus fluoview 300, Olympus, Japan).

Fig. 3

Overlapped image of fluorescent mode of the interface between ALL-BOND® 2 and dentin. Resin tags with characteristic funnel cone shape were observed. ×1200.

Fig. 4

CLSM image scanned parallel to interface at a depth below 3 µm interval. The Red area indicate the penetration of rhodamine-labeled primer into dentinal tubules and White arrows also indicate their side branchs. ×2400.

Fig. 5

Overlapped image of fluorescent mode of the interface between CLEARFIL™ SE BOND and dentin. Resin tags is less prominent than other dental adhesive systems. ×2100.

Fig. 6

CLSM image scanned parallel to interface at a depth below 3 µm interval. The Red area indicate the penetration of rhodamine-labeled primer into dnetinal tubules. ×2400.

Fig. 7

Overlapped image of fluorescent mode of the interface between PQ1 and dentin. Resin tags with characteristic funnel cone shape were observed. ×1200.

Fig. 8

Overlapped image of fluorescent mode of the interface between PQ1 and dentin. The white arrow indicate the filler of PQ1. ×1200.

Fig. 9

Overlapped image of fluorescent mode of the interface betweenALL-BOND® 2 and dentin. The penetration pattern of rhodamine-labeled primer is different from perpendicular group. ×1200.

Fig. 10

CLSM image scanned parallel to interface at a depth below 3 µm interval. There were few resin tags like perpendicular group. ×2100.

Fig. 11

Overlapped image of fluorescent mode of the interface between CLEARFIL™ SE BOND and dentin. The direction of dentinal tubule and rhodamine-labeled primer is parallel. ×2100.

Fig. 12

CLSM image scanned parallel to interface at a depth below 3 µm interval. There were few resin tags like prependicular group. ×2100.

Fig. 13

Overlapped image of fluorescent mode of the interface between PQ1 and dentin. Rhodamine-labeled primer diffuses more radially into surrounding intertubular dentin. ×2100.

Fig. 14

Schematic illustration of Fig. 13.

Fig. 13

Overlapped image of fluorescent mode of the interface between PQ1 and dentin. Rhodamine-labeled primer diffuses more radially into surrounding intertubular dentin. ×2100.

Fig. 15

Overlapped image of fluorescent mode of the interface betweenALL-BOND® 2 and dentin. Irregular shape resin tags were observed. ×1200.

Fig. 16

CLSM image scanned parallel to interface at a depth below 16 µm interval. The white arrow indicate resin tags. ×2100.

Fig. 17

Overlapped image of fluorescent mode of the interface between CLEARFIL™ SE BOND and dentin. Resin tags were not continuous. ×1200.

Fig. 18

CLSM image scanned parallel to interface at a depth below 16 µm interval. The white arrow indicate resin tags. ×2100.

Fig. 19

Overlapped image of fluorescent mode of the interface between PQ1 and dentin. Irregular shape resin tags were observed. ×1200.

Table 1

Dental adhesive systems and composite resin used in this study

Table 1


HEMA = 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate

Bis-GMA = Bis-phenol A diglycidylmethycrylate

BPDM = Biphenyl dimethacrylate

CQ = d,l-Camphorquinone

MDP = 10-meth ryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate

NTG-GMA = N-tolyglycine-glycidyl methacrylate

UDMA = Urethane dimethacrylate

TEGDMA = Triethylene glycol dimethacrylate