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Shear bond strength of self-etching adhesives to dentin and sem analysis

Shear bond strength of self-etching adhesives to dentin and sem analysis

Article information

Restor Dent Endod. 2003;28(3):222-231
Publication date (electronic) : 2003 May 31
doi : https://doi.org/10.5395/JKACD.2003.28.3.222
Department of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Chosun University, Korea.
Corresponding author (ygcho@mail.chosun.ac.kr)


The purpose of this study was to compare shear bond strength and interfacial pattern of composite bonded to dentin using self-etching adhesive systems.

Sixty extracted human molars with exposed occlusal dentin were divided into four groups and bonded with four adhesives and composites: Single Bond/Filtek Z 250(SB), Tyrian SPE-One-Step Plus/Aelitefil(TY), Prompt L-Pop/Filtek Z 250(LP), and One-Up Bond F/Palfique Toughwell(OU).

The results of this study were as follows;

  1. Shear bond strength for OU was significantly lower than that of other groups(p<0.05). No significant difference was founded among SB, TY, and LP.

  2. Failure modes to dentin showed adhesive and mixed for SB, TY, and LP, but them for OU showed adhesive in all spceimens.

  3. Dentin-resin interface showed close adaptation for SB, TY, and LP, but it showed gap for OU.

  4. The hybrid layers for TY, LP, OU were thinner than that of SB. Adhesive layers were observed between composite and hybrid layer, which were 5 µm thick for TY and 10 µm thick for OU.


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Article information Continued

Fig. 1

Dentin (D) and Z 250 (Z) interface showed close adaptation in Single Bond (SB) group. (SEM ×800)

Fig. 2

SB group showing 2-4 µm thick hybrid layer (h) with taper resin tags (t) which were 10 µm long and had regular interval. (SEM ×2,000)

Fig. 3

Higher magnification of SB group showing resin tags with rough surface (r) and short lateral branches (b). (SEM ×7,500)

Fig. 4

Dentin (D) and Aelitefil (A) interface showed close adaptation and 5 µm thick adhesive layer (a) in Tyrian SPE (TY) group. (SEM ×800)

Fig. 5

TY group showing 1.5 µm thick hybrid layer (h) and numerous resin tags (t) which were 5-10 µm long and dense. (SEM ×1,500)

Fig. 6

Higher magnification of TY group showing resin tags with rough surface (r) and short lateral branches (b). (SEM ×3,700)

Fig. 7

Dentin and Z 250 (Z) interface showed close adaptation and 2 µm thick hybrid layer (h) in Prompt L-Pop (LP) group. (SEM ×800)

Fig. 8

LP group showing short and long resin tags (t) which were 5-15 µm long. (SEM ×1,500)

Fig. 9

Higher magnification of LP group showing resin tags with rough surface (r) and short lateral branches (b). (SEM ×3,500)

Fig. 10

Dentin and Palfique Toughwell (P) interface showed gap (g) and 10 µm thick adhesive layer (a) in One-Up Bond F (OU) group. (SEM ×1,000)

Fig. 11

OU group showing 2 µm thick hybrid layer (h) and few resin tags which were short and very long.

Fig. 12

Higher magnification of OU group showing short lateral branches (b). (SEM ×2,500)

Table 1

Group classification of an one-bottle adhesive and three self-etching adhesives/composite resins used in this study.

Table 1

Table 2

Shear bond strength (MPa) to dentin and failure mode after the test

Table 2

*: there was statistically significant difference among groups by Tukey's test (p<0.05).