Article information

Restor Dent Endod. 2004;29(3):212-218
Publication date (electronic) : 2004 January 14
doi :
Department of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Chosun University
*Corresponding author: Ho-Keel Hwang, Department of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Chosun University 421 Susuk-dong, Dong-gu, Gwangju, 501-825, Korea, Tel : 82-62-220-3840 Fax : 82-62-232-9064, E-mail :



The purpose of this study was to quantify the amount of remaining gutta-percha/sealer on the walls of root canals when three types of nickel-titanium rotary instruments(Profile, ProTaper and K3) and a hand instrument(Hedstrom file) used to remove these materials.

The results of this study were as follows:

  1. In the total time for gutta-percha removal, Profile group was the fastest and followed by K3, Protaper, Hedstrom file group.

  2. In case of the evaluation of the volume of remained gutta-percha from radiograph, K3 group got the highest score and followed by Protaper, Hedstrom file, Profile group in the apical 1/3.

  3. In case of the evaluation of the volume of gutta-percha remained from stereomicroscope, K3 group got the highest score and followed by Protaper, Hedstrom file, Profile group in the apical 1/3.

These results showed that instrumentation using nickel-titanium rotary instrument groups was faster than that using hand instrument group. The effect of gutta-percha removal using Profile group was better than that using Protaper and K3 group in the nickel-titanium rotary instrument groups.

Figure 1.

Mean time for gutta-percha removal

Figure 2.

The representive image showing score 0

Figure 3.

The representive image showing score 1

Figure 4.

The representive image showing score 2

Figure 5.

The representive image showing score 3

Group classification according to instruments

Mean time to gutta-percha removal (unit : sec)

Distribution of scores for canal wall cleanlines by radiographic evaluation

Distribution of scores for canal wall cleanlines by radiographic evaluation

Statistical analysis of mean scores for canal wall cleanlines in apical thirds by radiographic evaluation

Statistical analysis of mean scores for canal wall cleanlines in coronal thirds by radiographic evaluation

Statistical analysis of mean scores for canal wall cleanlines in apical thirds by stereomicroscopic evaluation

Statistical analysis of mean scores for canal wall cleanlines in coronal thirds by stereomicroscopic evaluation


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Article information Continued

Figure 1.

Mean time for gutta-percha removal

Figure 2.

The representive image showing score 0

Figure 3.

The representive image showing score 1

Figure 4.

The representive image showing score 2

Figure 5.

The representive image showing score 3

Table 1.

Group classification according to instruments

Group No. Instrument Manufacture
1 10 H-file (chloroform) Maillefer, Swiss
2 10 ProTaper Maillefer, Swiss
3 10 Profile Maillefer, Swiss
4 10 K3 Analytic, USA

Table 2.

Mean time to gutta-percha removal (unit : sec)

Group No. Mean S.D.
1 10 * 86.34
2 10 45.98
3 10 17.75
4 10 13.80

: Significantly different at p < 0.05 (Tukey HSD test)

Table 3.

Distribution of scores for canal wall cleanlines by radiographic evaluation

Group Scores
0 1 2 3
1 A 3 7 0 0
M 6 3 1 0
C 9 1 0 0

2 A 0 7 1 2
M 4 4 1 1
C 4 3 1 2

3 A 4 6 0 0
M 6 4 0 0
C 9 1 0 0

4 A 1 4 2 3
M 3 7 0 0
C 10 0 0 0

(A : Apical 1/3, M : Middle 1/3, C : Coronal 1/3)

Table 4.

Distribution of scores for canal wall cleanlines by radiographic evaluation

Group Scores
0 1 2 3
1 A 2 8 0 0
M 7 3 0 0
C 8 2 0 0

2 A 0 4 5 1
M 3 6 1 0
C 3 5 0 2

3 A 4 6 0 0
M 7 2 1 0
C 9 1 0 0

4 A 1 2 2 5
M 7 3 0 0
C 10 0 0 0

(A : Apical 1/3, M : Middle 1/3, C : Coronal 1/3)

Table 5.

Statistical analysis of mean scores for canal wall cleanlines in apical thirds by radiographic evaluation

*:Significantly different at p < 0.05 (Mann-Whitney test)

Table 6.

Statistical analysis of mean scores for canal wall cleanlines in coronal thirds by radiographic evaluation

*: Significantly different at p < 0.05 (Mann-Whitney test)

Table 7.

Statistical analysis of mean scores for canal wall cleanlines in apical thirds by stereomicroscopic evaluation

*: Significantly different at p < 0.05 (Mann-Whitney test)

Table 8.

Statistical analysis of mean scores for canal wall cleanlines in coronal thirds by stereomicroscopic evaluation

*: Significantly different at p < 0.05 (Mann-Whitney test)